








老師:  Gary   班級: 252/253 座號:______ 姓名:__________




 1.   我找不到我的智慧型手機。 它可能被留在了餐廳的桌子上。_______________________________________________________________________


 2.   David感到好笑的是,那位講者緊張到連一個字都說不出來。(To + one’s + N)

 3.   我的祖母堅持我應拒絕購買那間惡劣公司的所有產品。_______________________________________________________________________


 4.   Nicole 以前在吃晚飯前會去健身房嗎?_______________________________________________________________________


 5.   你越常和別人互動,你的溝通技巧就會變得越好。___________________________________________________________________


 6.   據說有一隻獅子已然逃出了動物園。



 7.   Louis不論去哪裡出差(go on a business trip),他總是會買紀念品(souvenir)給他的家人。_______________________________________________________________________


 8.   除非Kevin把作業完成,否則他就必須待在家裡。



 9.   學者們警告,由優秀外籍勞工組成的團隊能在就業市場中排擠當地勞工。


10.   在棒球賽開始之前,票就已經全部賣光了。



11.   基於暴力因素,這部電影不被允許在戲院放映。

12.   天氣越熱,飲料店(tea shop)就會賣越多冷飲。___________________________________________________________________


13.   我們需要想出一個演唱會備案,除非大雨及時停止。



14.   由於他的教育程度低,Arthur只能做勞力工作去養家。


15.   會贏得戰爭的這個信念幫助這些軍人度過了所有困難。_______________________________________________________________________


16.   這位慷慨的商人設立基金會以照顧需要幫助的孩童。


17.   將軍下令軍隊發動奇襲(surprise attack)


18.   Jason當時一定很害怕,因為他的聲音在顫抖。



19.   大家喜歡在農曆新年時放鞭炮來趕走惡靈。



20.   在即將來臨的夏天,何時會有第一個颱風將無從預測。_______________________________________________________________________


21.   當我還小的時候,我常幫我媽媽洗衣服,來交換像是蛋糕和冰淇淋這樣的點心。


22.   這個難過的消息讓這位可憐的母親心痛欲裂。



23.   Amber的朋友建議她應該要尋求歷史老師的幫助。



24.   你花越多時間在社群網路,你越有可能覺得憂鬱。



25.   在大部分的家庭裡,小孩經常會被捲入他們父母之間的衝突中。


26.   Stockholm,稱為北方威尼斯 (the Venice of the North),是瑞典的首都。_______________________________________________________________________



27.   Johnny 不被允許養狗,除非他能信守承諾好好照顧寵物。_______________________________________________________________________


28.   被通報之前,工廠的化學廢料就已經被倒入河流裡好幾天了。_______________________________________________________________________


29.   是這個小男孩發現廚房失火並打119(It . . . )



30.   Kevin登入臉書,並發布他對於新款智慧型手機的評論。


31.   颱風帶來了大雨。更糟的是,大雨在許多地區造成了洪水。_______________________________________________________________________


32.   如果Peter一年前沒有離職,他那時候就可以升職了。



33.   Elsa似乎已經完成她的作業,因為她正在客廳看電視。



34.   教練堅持要求Henry在下一場比賽中贏得勝利。


35.   如果當初學生們在做實驗時更加注意,這場意外就不會發生了。



36.   我們採取行動來保護環境是重要的。___________________________________________________________________


37.   Mary 致力於工作,這讓她的所有同事們敬佩她。_______________________________________________________________________


38.   年復一年,這位作家出版了許多深得讀者喜愛的小說。


39.   那恐怖片使得那女孩尖叫。_______________________________________________________________________


40.   有別於日本人,墨西哥人(Mexicans)對時間看法不同,而且可能無法跟上緊湊的時程。


41.   我們要讓正義的鐘聲在全國被聽見。                                        



42.   住在城市很方便。另一方面,你必須花比較多錢。_______________________________________________________________________


43.   今天早上一醒來,Henry就檢查手機看看他是否收到任何簡訊。


44.   Jim比起這個部門中的其他任何一個員工都還聰明。



45.   那位醫生告訴我保持均衡的飲食是必須的。_______________________________________________________________________


46.   這間餐廳,上個月剛開幕,已經獲得數百人好評。



47.   旅行的時候,Luke把他的護照放在飯店房間,以防他被搶劫。



48.   基於性別平等家務應該平等分擔。(Housework…)


49.   簡言之,美麗是膚淺的,所以不要犧牲你的健康來追求外表的吸引力。


50.   據說我們老闆每年都捐至少一百萬元給這間國際慈善機構。


51.   不管有多麼困難,Mike都會盡力拿到那份工作。_______________________________________________________________________


52.   幸虧學校所提供的獎學金,Mandy才能完成學業。

53.   Ian過度忙於工作,以至於忘了時間要去學校接他兒子。



54.   這個疾病已經感染全世界數百萬人,自從它第一次在中國爆發


55.   那間化學工廠(chemical plant)不應該把廢水傾倒(dump)在海裡。

56.   無論我說什麼,都無法改變我朋友的心意。



57.   媽媽跟她的孩子們說如果他們沒有做完作業,他們就不能打電動,也不能吃點心。



58.   他當初沒有仔細思考這個計畫。難怪他馬上就失敗了。

59.   如果最終犧牲了你的家庭與健康,得到名聲與財富有什麼用呢?


60.   這個有抱負的喜劇演員(comedian)想了許多新笑話來娛樂觀眾。

61.   Hank在往山頂的路上掉入洞裡時,他迫切需要幫忙。



62.   這些救援物資被平均分配到災民手裡是很重要的。_______________________________________________________________________


63. 這間店舖因為生意欠佳而歇業。_______________________________________________________________________


64.   Phil似乎對這個無聊的會議不耐煩了,因為他一直在查看時間。

(請用 It seems that 開頭)



65.   據說在吞下食物之前,你可以多咀嚼(chew)幾次來避免變胖。



66.   儘管缺乏時間和金錢,這位藝術家依然堅持她作品的完美。_______________________________________________________________________


67.   Joe認為對朋友的宗教信仰發表負面評論是不恰當的。



68.   Max必定已經認真考慮過這項派對計畫,因為他似乎對它很有自信。


69.   面臨惡劣的天氣,這群登山客仍舊好奇地往前進。


70.   你準備地越充分,你成功的機會就越高



71.   那位多年來飽受精神疾病之苦的歌手在昨天晚上自殺了。


72.   這位作家最新的小說已經出版三個月了。



73.   歌迷們認為他們喜愛的歌手有如此無禮的行為是不合理的。



74.   Mike上學又遲到了。他今天早上一定是睡過頭了。

75.   臺東的知本 (Chiben) 以溫泉而知名。_______________________________________________________________________


76.   Kevin 設了五個鬧鐘,為了準時起床。_______________________________________________________________________


77.   如果我們提早打掃好家裡,客人就不會看到亂七八糟的客廳了。


78.   我們發現對員工們來說,必須沒有休息地工作12小時是不公平的。


79.   人們被告知這致命的疾病已奪去將近兩千條人命時,都嚇到說不出話。


80.   該團體呼籲政府認真看待環境問題。


81.   在過去,人們通常藉由寫信的方式來與彼此保持聯絡。


82.   船長據信是在事故的一開始就拋棄了這艘船。( . . . believed to . . . )



83.   據報導,減肥最好的方式是規律運動。


84.   你吃的零食越多,你就會增加越多體重。



85.   救難隊目前最重要的是找出在瓦礫(rubble)下還活著的人們。



86.   無論Sophia多麼努力地說服她的爸媽給她買智慧型手機,她的父母還是拒絕了。



87.   那項不公平的種族政策拆散許多家庭。


88.   因為 Amy 有經驗,班上的所有學生就選她當班長。_______________________________________________________________________


89.   Tina建議她弟弟應該撒一些鹽巴在西瓜上,讓它嚐起來更甜。



90.   人們在颱風來臨前檢查家裡所有的窗戶是明智(advisable)的。_______________________________________________________________________


91.   這歌手的行為太不合情理,沒有任何人能理解並接受。


92.   經理在那家公司服務已經超過十年了。



93.   天氣越來越糟。儘管如此,救難隊繼續搜尋洪水的受害者。_______________________________________________________________________


94.   Judy一見到我就放聲大哭。我想她可能經歷了一些悲傷的事。


95.   美食外送服務迎合了尋求效率的現代人。



96.   不要被毫無道理的(nonsense)臉書(Facebook)貼文迷惑;你查找官方訊息是很重要的。



97.   我最近一直在注意自己的體重。_______________________________________________________________________


98.   Chris 能說一口流利的韓語,因為他已經學習了十多年。_______________________________________________________________________


99.   這位母親把兒子抱在她的懷裡,開心地笑著。_______________________________________________________________________


100. 就是因為糟糕的建材品質才使得那座新橋突然崩塌。_______________________________________________________________________


101. 到目前為止,科學家還無法證明外星人(aliens)是否存在。

102. 無論Jason到哪裡旅遊,他都會寄明信片給他的朋友們。(Wherever . . . )



103. 無可否認的是,一個領導者的成功,有賴於他/她和人民的互動與對話。



104. Ken每天都要一杯咖啡才能開始新的一天。



105. 那女孩被要求要每天練一小時的鋼琴。_______________________________________________________________________


106. 簡言之,只要你堅持這項節食計畫,對你來說減重是有可能的





(1) Hans意識到增進技能的重要性。


(2) 在嚴格的訓練下,他的技巧會成熟到能應付困難的情況。(so . . . that)




(1) Todd 的媽媽總是叫他在晚飯後洗碗。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 然而,他昨天忘記把水關掉,讓水流了一整夜。___________________________________________________________________



(1) 這些學生無法準時完成期末報告,除非他們馬上開始著手處理。


(2) 為了讓報告順利進行,老師決定請班長來幫助他們。



(1) 估計全球有超過一百萬種物種有滅絕危機。


(2) 然而,科學家認為我們要將物種復育是有可能的。




(1) 過去三年來,那位商人越努力嘗試用錢贏得那位女孩的芳心,她就越不理睬他。

(2) 他從沒想過,誠意(sincerity)在一段關係裡面才是最為重要的。(請用分裂句)



(1) 這間公司一直很努力提供員工能滿足他們需求的辦公空間。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 老闆認為讓他的員工在辦公室感到輕鬆自在將能提升效率(efficiency)




(1) Tiffany 看起來像天生 (naturally) 就擅長英語口說 但實際上她每天都花 30 分鐘練



(2) 好的口說技巧在未來會有幫助的想法,使她每次都努力練習。___________________________________________________________________


(1) Yvette升遷後,她的家人將為她辦慶祝會。


(2) 她很好奇準備的食物會有多豐盛。



(1) 據報導,臺灣新生兒的總數逐年下降。


(2) 毫無爭議地,除非政府提出有效的方法,否則臺灣將面臨少子化造成的嚴重問題。



(1) 去年珍珠奶茶的熱潮(craze)席捲日本。

(2) 這款飲料已經主宰了臺灣的國內市場。


(1) 許多青少年從未想過他們可以成為氣候鬥士並作出改變(有所作為)


(2) 就是一位瑞典(Swedish)女孩採取行動,想要讓全球領袖將環境保護置於經濟之前。




(1) 專家們發現在這個河岸築橋是危險的。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 他們必須做出改變以便能及時改正錯誤。( . . . put . . . )



(1) 我與臉書曾有過一段痛苦的經歷,是在某位朋友在臉書上說了關於我的壞話的時候。


(2) 隨之而來的負面評論讓我很失望。



(1) 非常明顯的是,這位政府官員說的話被視為是對女性的冒犯。


(2) 因此,社會大眾要求他道歉。



(1) 忙著尋求財富和名聲,這位生意人已經(has been)忽略自己的健康很久了。

(2) 他的家人從以前到現在不斷提醒他要仔細思考,人生當中什麼才是真正有意義的。




(1) Amy 想成為一名卡車司機,但她不知道該做什麼。


(2) 她也許可以問Wang 先生這個職業是如何。___________________________________________________________________



(1) 為了準備遠距教學(distance learning)Kathy建議她的學生確認他們的電腦設備可以在家運作。

(2) 若是學生無法負擔電子設備,可以向學校請求協助。


(1) 每當Greg看到有人需要幫忙,他總是從不遲疑地提供協助。(Wh-ever . . . )


(2) 他知道人們在面對困境時會感到沮喪,且每個人都應該盡其所能協助他人。




(1) 不管她父母說什麼,Mandy已經決定要嫁給Alex


(2) MandyAlex是如此相愛,以至於他們相信只有死亡才能拆散他們。



(1) 如果十年前內戰(civil war)沒有爆發的話,這個國家的許多家庭就不會被拆散。


(2) 戰爭的殘酷令人難以置信,而無論人們的種族及宗教信仰為何,大家都該免於受到戰爭帶來的痛苦。




(1) 大多數人希望他們可以被認為是重要的,並且他們可以被他人重視。


(2) 很明顯地,人際關係 (interpersonal relations) 在他們的生活中扮演著重要的角色。



(1) 那些在邊界的難民急需救援物資和立即的住所。

(2) 然而,政府卻始終忽視難民的需求。



(1) 誰都不知道科技未來會帶給我們什麼其他的發展。(請用There is no . . . 開頭)___________________________________________________________________

(2) 因此,我認為利用最新的資訊並與世界保持聯繫是重要的。



(1) 這位媽媽因為小孩走失而感到很焦慮。

(2) 當她一在人群中瞥見他時,她大聲呼喊他的名字。


(1) Anne的父親讓她的日記在1947年出版。


(2) 正是因為這本書,人們依然記得猶太人大屠殺(the Holocaust)有多殘忍。




(1) 如果當時每個人都有遵守政府指示並戴好口罩,群聚感染(cluster infection)就不會一個接著一個發生。


(2) 因此,我們都要規律地洗手並維持社交距離是很重要的。___________________________________________________________________



(1) Sam 很有錢。他把錢存入不同的銀行。(請用使役動詞作答)


(2) 儘管他很有錢,他仍然每天搭乘大眾運輸系統去上班。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 不管這項方案的結果會如何,我們都要讓公司更進步。


(2) 我們相信,遇到危機時,我們都有能力處理。




(1) Sharon身為一位女性這個事實並不代表她必須要致力於家務。


(2) 除非她必須待在家照顧小孩,否則她可以出門上班。(Unless . . . )



(1) 牙醫堅持每個人都應該定期檢查牙齒。

(2) 否則你會有像是蛀牙(tooth decay)這樣子的牙齒問題。


(1) 這位員工聲稱他原本可以及時完成工作。


(2) 然而,由於一通醫院的電話,他只好擱下工作。




(1) 不像其他購物中心,這家新的購物中心提供迎合喜愛露營的登山客(mountain climber)需求的產品。

(2) Ray一定用便宜的價格買了些露營設備,因為他去過那裡之後似乎很開心。


(1) 就是在乾季時才會有高達九成的森林火災發生並造成嚴重破壞。


(2) 人們都很擔心這個問題,他們渴望能多種樹木來應付全球暖化。



(1) 儘管經濟成長很重要,大眾還是渴望生活在一個把安全和正義擺在第一位的社會中。


(2) 簡言之,就是政府應該採取有效的措施來減少犯罪率及促進大眾福祉。



(1) 就是在冬季時人們渴望攝取更多食物以製造身體熱量和對抗寒冷的天氣。


(2) 然而,要牢記在心,如果他們多吃而沒有適度的運動,最後可能腰部會變粗。



(1) 過去十年來,臺北市的房價已經漲了兩倍。


(2) 據相信,市長將提出有效的方法幫助年輕人買房。



(1) 那位人氣歌手的大型演唱會將於下個月在臺北舉行。


(2) 據估計,至少會有5千位粉絲出現在這場演唱會當中。




(1) Vivian的老師說她謹慎考慮出國留學的優缺點是很必要的。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 因此,Vivian應上網查詢更多資料以免感到後悔。



(1) 顯而易見的是,Simon吃愈多速食,他就變得愈胖。


(2) 因此,他的爸媽正在試著幫助他完全戒掉吃大量速食的壞習慣。



(1) Sean目前正在為一家新公司工作,且每天早上8:30必須打卡上班。


(2) 他上班愈晚到,就會被愈嚴厲地處罰。



(1) 我因為打破媽媽最喜愛的花瓶而感到非常焦慮。


(2) 在此同時,她正在客廳做家事。




(1) 每年,許多人都會參加跨年倒數活動(the New Year’s Eve countdown event),這活動已在人們心中生根。


(2) 然而,據報導今年活動因新冠肺炎疫情(the COVID­19 pandemic)的關係將被取消。( . . . it is . . . )



(1) 沒有人知道明天開挖該地區的化石計畫是否會取消。(There . . . )


(2) 因為氣象預報明天該地區會打雷下大雨。




(1) 據報導,這名棒球明星在半夜與一輛摩托車發生車禍。


(2) 他企圖逃走,反而毀掉證明自己無罪的機會。( . . . only . . . )



(1) 野火在森林中突然發生,促使動物們逃離。


(2) 市長向政府求助,希望能拯救森林和動物。



(1) Kelly相信,她愈認真讀書,她的分數就會愈高。


(2) 只要她得到好成績,她將來就可以進入一所好的大學。



(1) 在過去,黑奴必須在難以忍受的環境工作下工作,且被糟糕的對待。


(2) 他們甚至因為說他們的母語而被懲罰。



(1) 由於有飯店提供的健身器材和游泳池,客人可以享受他們的住宿時光。

(2) 這家飯店希望用真誠的態度與非凡的服務來滿足所有客人的需求。


(1) 言論自由是一個人的人權之一。


(2) 我們應該尊重不同的意見,而不是批評它們。




(1) 就是我的母親告訴我健康是最為重要的。(It . . . )


(2) 她總是說:「如果我們不健康,那麼有錢又有什麼意義呢?」



(1) 一群武裝軍人在夜深人靜時攻擊了我們。


(2) 這讓將軍如此憤怒而決定宣戰。



(1) 嚴重的環境汙染削弱了這個地區的生態系統。


(2) 一些必要的措施一定要立即實行,以保護該地區的物種。




(1) 一方面,建築道路可以改善這地區的交通。


(2) 另一方面,它可能對自然環境造成破壞。




(1) 儘管這項節食計畫會造成健康問題,但有些人為了減重仍然採取極端手段。(In spite of 開頭)


(2) 對那些願意冒著生命危險的人而言,就是動人的外表才能讓他們有自信。(請用分裂句)




(1) Linda無法跟朋友們去旅行,除非她爸爸可以為她照顧她的寵物狗。


(2) 認真考慮一段時間後,他同意了,但也要求Linda每天幫忙做家務事。



(1) 據報導,溫室效應逐年惡化。


(2) 各國政府都在試圖減少溫室氣體的排放。




(1) 儘管去年獲得大量資金(significant funding),這位市長發現要繼續進行社會住宅(social housing)計畫是困難的。


(2) 如果一開始他有得到居民們的全力支持,這些房子這時就已經建好了。




(1) 許多海鳥因為塑膠廢料死亡(請用because of作答)


(2) 因此,政府非常重視如何減少塑膠廢料。(請用 have/has + been + p.p. 作答)



(1) 在被送到動物收容所之前,這些流浪狗以前可能曾被虐待(abuse)和棄養。

(2) 現在,這些流浪狗終於可以得到牠們值得的照顧和愛。


(1) 不能否認的是,全球暖化是個刻不容緩的問題。


(2) 每個人都採取行動來幫忙拯救這個星球是很重要的。



(1) 這個電視節目宣稱娛樂了很多人。

(2) 事實上,大多數觀眾看五分鐘就會轉到其他頻道了。


(1) 政府發現野火蔓延後,立刻召集所有消防員共同對抗大火。


(2) 此外,政府也通知住在附近的居民須立即移動到安全的地方。



(1) Kevin承諾一旦我通過考試,他就會帶我去沖繩(Okinawa)


(2) 對我來說這比任何獎品都還吸引人。



(1) 無論有多少人反對,在這村落建立醫院是正確的決定。


(2) 自從設立以來,很多人已被治癒。




(1) 那位總統既不能恢復(regain)人們的信任,也不能夠維持國家經濟成長。(請使用nor連接兩個句子)

(2) 如果他不企圖改善現況,我認為預測明年選舉的結果是很容易的。


(1) 面對挑戰的時候,Andy可能曾懷疑過自己的能力。

(2) 然而,藉著適時的協助,他把這個危機轉變成機會。


(1) 臉書或Instagram好的層面之一是幫助我們與朋友保持聯繫。


(2) 這些社群媒體也讓我們能連結到有著類似興趣的人。




(1) 無論我們怎麼忙碌,都不可以忽略健康的重要。


(2) 因此,我認為我們養成運動的習慣是很重要的。




(1) 上星期發生大地震,許多災民迫切需要各種援助。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 無論情況多麼艱難,政府都應立即採取行動,成立應急小組(emergency response team)




(1) 據信公司那位勤奮的員工昨天一定又加班工作。


(2) 除非有長假,否則要獲得充足的休息與睡眠對他而言幾乎是不可能的。




(1) 每個人都應學會跟朋友互動,這是必要的。(It is . . . )


(2) 有時候在我們人生中扮演重要角色的人是朋友,而不是父母。(Sometimes, it is . . . )



(1) 這位母親希望她的女兒能被美國家庭收養。


(2) 原因是她希望女兒過更好的生活。



(1) 這名員工被老闆稱讚,因為他願意接下這份困難的工作。

(2) 同時,他也有成為一個部門經理的野心。


(1) 我們在社交媒體上所看到的並非都能反映真相。(always)


(2) 因此,我們應在虛擬與真實世界之間找出平衡點,這是必要的。(it is . . . that . . .)



(1) 無從得知石虎(leopard cat)是否在不久後會絕種,但許多人認為拯救他們免於滅絕是一件緊急的事態。(There is . . . )


(2) 如果我們不試著保護石虎的自然棲息地,牠們將沒有地方居住,也無法繁殖(reproduce)



(1) Harry花很多的時間在手機上與朋友互動。


(2) 他經常查看手機,以免漏掉任何朋友的訊息。




(1) 新冠肺炎已經造成全球數百萬死亡。許多人戴上口罩來預防感染。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 政府認為當我們越了解新冠肺炎,我們越有可能控制這個疫情(epidemic)___________________________________________________________________



(1) 因為一次參訪動物收容所(animal shelter)而被啟發(inspire)Rita組織了一場請願(petition)活動來喚起大眾對於流浪動物的意識。(請以分詞構句p.p.作為開頭)


(2) 無論是誰替流浪動物發聲,她都給一張手作卡片以示感謝。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 政府決定協助興建這間購物中心,以吸引觀光客。


(2) 事實上,附近地區的傳統商店會倒閉,觀光客總人數減少。




(1) 1900年代初期,澳洲政府實行一項政策,至今對澳洲社會有持續的(lingering)影響。


(2) 如果我活在那個年代,我可能沒有勇氣面對如此巨大的痛苦。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 這款電動遊戲受歡迎的程度令人難以置信。


(2) 許多人願意用高價買這款遊戲。



(1) 身為超商店員,Matt堅持顧客永遠擺第一的信念,想要提供他們最好的服務。


(2) 就是由於他的努力和正面的態度,使他最後成為店經理。




(1) Tommy 太晚睡以至於早上起不來。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 因此,他今天上課似乎又遲到了。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 社群媒體能收集並分享有關網路使用者的個資。


(2) 企業於是能利用這種資訊來以廣告他們的產品。




(1) Sam比班上其他同學更高、更壯。( . . . any other . . . )


(2) 原因是Sam的媽媽堅持他從小每天要喝三杯牛奶。



(1) 當這位活動領袖被逮捕時,很多人示威遊行為他發聲。


(2) 以正義之名,他們訴求釋放他並極力主張新的政策要撤銷。



(1) 這個管弦樂團(orchestra)70位音樂家組成。


(2) 他們偶爾會到鄉下地區免費演出。




(1) Sally 興奮地前往機場,卻發現她的男朋友沒有出現。___________________________________________________________________

(2) 她從未想過她的男朋友會不守承諾,所以她很生氣。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 不用說,Erikson博士的發明改變了人們的生活。


(2) 他過世後,人們為他設立雕像以向他致敬。



(1) 據說吸菸會導致肺部疾病。


(2) 然而,許多人還是無法戒掉這有害的行為。



(1) 許多專家建議應避免宵夜。


(2) 人們越常吃宵夜,就越可能發胖。




(1) Tina 在那間公司工作時,總是被要求在會議後將所有報告歸檔 (file the reports)


(2) 因此,她過去常常在辦公室隨身攜帶一臺筆記型電腦。___________________________________________________________________


(1) 令我驚訝的是,我最喜歡的網球選手在第一場比賽就被打敗了。


(2) 或許是他的驕傲播下了他失敗的種子。



(1) 因為嚴重頭痛,Cindy已經跟她的醫生預約看診。


(2) 她希望她愈早接受治療,她的頭痛能夠愈快被治好。



(1) 我的奶奶多年來飽受癌症之苦。


(2) 如果她早點接受治療,或許她的情況會改善很多。




(1) 你花越多時間打電動,就越難寫完功課。(The more (+ N)/adj.­er/adv.­er . . . )


(2) 更糟糕的是,你很可能會被你生氣的爸媽責罵及處罰。




(1) 如果Paul昨天沒有訓練遲到,他就不會被教練處罰。


(2) 就是因為這次的經驗,他學到守時(punctual)最為重要。




Scanned IVY Compositions

Heroes (8/12)


What does it mean to be a hero? Everyone has his or her own standard for what makes someone heroic. While this varies from person to person, I believe that in one way or another, everyone is a hero. Take for example street cleaners. In this day and age, the work they do is more important than ever before.

Humans produce a lot of garbage. Oftentimes this trash is thrown on the ground by ignorant people. Papers, cans, wrappers, and many other things can often be seen on the streets. If there were no one to clean these things up, can you imagine what type of environment we would live in? Our world would be more polluted, dirty, and unbearable. Street cleaners provide a valuable service to our society and the world. In my eyes, they are truly great heroes.



Online Shopping Error (8/13)


The other day, Lucy was shopping on the Internet for a pair of boots. After surfing for a while, she found a pair of brown leather boots which were very cute and stylish as well. She imagined how nice she would look in her new boots and she felt as if she were on cloud nine. After paying for the boots with her credit card, she couldn't wait to receive them.

Three days later, the deliveryman came to Lucy's house and gave her the new boots she bought online. She was excited about putting them on. However, to her astonishment, the boots were too small for her feet. It turned out that the shoe company had made a mistake on the shoes' size. Lucy was so upset that she decided that next time she'll go to a "real" store.


Are You For or Against Human Cloning?(8/14)


When it comes to the issue of cloning, I am torn between the two sides. In other words, I'm not for or against it. On one hand, cloning may have its advantages. For example, it might help people with serious illnesses reproduce new organs so that they can be healthier. Cloning may also be beneficial in that people with high IQs or excellent physical traits can be reproduced.

On the other hand, clones may have problems their whole lives. Will they be considered human beings or only thought of as property? Even though there are movies about cloning and it seems as if it will happen soon, cloning a human is still a long time away. Between now and then, people should consider all sides of the issue.





Breakfast Eating Habits(8/15)


Recently, the government issued a study on Taiwanese high school students' frequency of eating breakfast. The study showed that only 50 percent of students eat breakfast every day, 25 percent every other day, 10 percent sometimes, another 10 percent once in a while, and alarmingly, 5 percent of students never eat breakfast. This comes as a shock because we all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Fortunately, ever since I was little, my parents have always asked me to eat my breakfast. They believe that by eating breakfast every morning, I will have enough energy to get through the day. I clearly remember one day when I didn't have breakfast. That morning my alarm clock didn't go off, and as a result, I didn't get up until eight. In a panic, I got ready for school in 10 minutes. Needless to say, I didn't have time for breakfast. The whole morning, I was weak and listless. After that day, I made up my mind that I would have breakfast every morning. I think the reason why I'm healthy and strong now is that I make it a rule to have breakfast every day.


The Beauty of Life(8/16)


Many people complain about boredom in their lives and their lack of leisure time. They aren't satisfied with their jobs, co-workers, bosses, neighbors, or even their own family members. They can't put up with the traffic, noise, high cost of living, or poor quality of life. Those people don't seem to like themselves and believe that they are living in a miserable world with no way out.

Actually, life is not as bad as they may think. All they have to do is look on the bright side of things. This world is not perfect and it may never be, but if you know how to appreciate the beauty of life, everything will be different. The people you meet and the world you live in will be more lovable and pleasant. Whether it is a wonderful world or a place of misery all depends on the way you look at your own life.


Preventing Summer Sickness(8/17)


During summertime, more people suffer from diarrhea than in other times of the year. One of the problems that cause this horrible condition is eating icy treats like shaved ice when you want to cool down. Available at food stands everywhere, these treats are often made from dirty tap water. To avoid getting sick, only go to food stands that you know make their icy treats using clean water.

Moreover, food goes bad easily in summer. With this in mind, we should put away leftovers as soon as possible. If not, we increase our chances of getting sick. Bugs that carry germs and disease, such as cockroaches and flies, can also be to blame for many stomach viruses. Using bug sprays and keeping our surroundings clean are two of the methods of keeping these nasty insects away from us. All in all, if we pay attention to the foods we eat and the cleanliness of our environment, we can have a happier and healthier summer.




The Drawbacks of the Internet(8/18)


Nowadays, many people have their own blogs to share their day-to-day lives with thousands of people. Those who enjoy chatting with friends by instant messaging could spend a whole night in front of the computer screen. Searching for the latest information on the Internet isn't uncommon in this day and age. However, convenient as it is , the Internet has its drawbacks.

For example, a click on an advertisement banner could bring one to pornographic websites, which could have an ill effect on young people. Furthermore, it is often reported that people playing online games around the clock fall ill due to their irregular living habits. Another controversial issue is that the Internet breeds piracy. Illegal music downloads have forced many musicians and singers to stand up for their rights. Though the Internet adds convenience to our lives, we should always pay attention to these drawbacks when surfing the Net.


At the Train Station(8/19)


Train stations are places where journeys begin and end. Standing in a train station, you see people coming and going. Some are going away to start new lives, to visit friends, or to be with the ones they love. Others are returning to their homes to be with their families. Still others stand at the station waiting for the return of the people they've been separated from.

I remember the first time I left home to study in a different city, my parents saw me off on the platform of the train station. As I waved goodbye, I felt tears in my eyes. Two years later, they were on the same platform waiting for me. This time, we shed tears of joy. To this day, I still enjoy observing people departing from or reuniting with their loved ones at train stations because I can see endless bittersweet stories that will go on and on there.


  Carbon Monoxide Poisoning(8/20)


As the weather gets cooler, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning will increase. Carbon monoxide. is produced when fossil fuel is incompletely burnt. Since carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, one is unable to notice this toxic gas.

Cases of carbon monoxide poisoning tend to happen when a room is poorly ventilated. This usually takes place during the freezing cold months of winter when people shut all the windows and doors to keep out the biting wind while taking a hot bath. The gas from the water heater is unable to escape from the room and accumulates to dangerously high levels.

To prevent this kind of disaster from occurring, water heaters should always be installed outdoors, not inside the house or apartment, and the entire house should be well ventilated. Only by staying alert can we protect our own lives and those of our loved ones.




Domestic Violence(8/21)


Even though we live in a modem society, some of us still behave like barbarians. There are some people who can't resist venting their anger and frustration by abusing others. To make matters worse, they hurt the ones they should love the most--their children, spouses, or even parents.

Cases of domestic violence seemingly emerge in an endless stream nowadays. Like most people, I despise those abusers. As mature human beings, we shouldn't resort to violence, but talk things out instead. I deeply sympathize with the victims of domestic violence. Not only are they physically injured, but also mentally and spiritually. As a result, they will have to live with bad memories for the rest of their lives.

As a child, I was often scolded and occasionally got a spanking. However, for the most part, I grew up in a family where we discussed our problems. I only wish everyone could be as fortunate as I was.



Caught  on Tape(8/22)

While strolling through the park yesterday, Andy spotted a wad of cash lying on the sidewalk. Not greedy by nature, Andy knew he should turn it over to the police. However, he was laid off from his job two months ago and was in dire need of money.

Secretly congratulating himself on his good luck, Andy pocketed the money and proceeded to walk away. An instant later, he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice from a loudspeaker screaming, "Don't steal me!" He would have fled had a man not stopped him and shoved a microphone into his face. Even worse, the man, evidently the host of a TV show, demanded Andy's view about being caught red-handed. Andy nearly died of embarrassment and prayed that no one he knew watched the show.

The Night Market (8/23)


Like many people, I enjoy going out at night and being a part of all the things my city has to offer. One of my greatest pleasures is visiting the night market. By far, Shihlin Night Market is my favorite. Not only is it practically on my doorstep, but it is also a place where I can enjoy some tasty treats, including scallion pancakes, chicken steak, and pearl milk tea. Whenever I go there, I never leave without eating my fill.

Besides delicious fare, the night market is also the best place to pick up some of the latest fashions. For the most part, the goods are inexpensive and the quality is about average. If you have time to kill, pay a visit to your local night market and see for yourself the wonders that await you.


1-         Cell Phones (8/24)

The world is in love with cell phones. Nowadays, practically everyone owns one, if not two mobile phones. Calling a busy person on their cell phone may be the only way to reach them. In addition, cell phones allow parents to know the whereabouts of their children. In many instances, cell phones have played a part in saving lives.

Even though cell phones are an essential part of our lives, they do have their downside. Deadly accidents and fender-benders caused by people talking on their phones have become commonplace. This danger and the annoyance of phones ringing at inappropriate times are just a few of the problems caused by rude and careless cell phone users. At the end of the day, cell phone usage is really all about being considerate of the people around you.


Running Around like a Chicken with Its Head Cut Off (8/25)

This morning, the bright sunlight woke me up. As soon as I opened my sleepy eyes, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 7:30. "I'm late for school AGAIN! I'm through!" I shouted. Throwing on my clothes and hastily packing my books, I rushed out the door to catch the bus without saying goodbye to my parents or taking a bite of my breakfast.

On the bus, I remembered the punishment I received for being late yesterday. It would be the second time this week and my teacher would definitely be very annoyed. Panicking, I ran into the classroom, only to find that there was nobody there. The calendar on the wall reminded me that it was the Dragon Boat Festival, a national holiday. I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off for nothing.


My Part-time Job Experience (8/26)


With the coming of summer vacation, many of my classmates are planning to get part-time jobs, either to kill time or to make money. As for me, it was my last part-time job experience that pushed me to be a part-timer once agam.

Last summer vacation, I worked as a waitress in a restaurant, taking customers' orders and serving them food. Even though it was very tiring, it was a valuable experience for me. Not only did I learn how to get along with my coworkers, but I also developed a sense of responsibility. What's more, by earning money on my own, I came to realize its value and stopped spending it like water. Knowledge can be acquired both in school and in life. What I learned at that part-time job was as important as what I've learned in school.


Graduation Season (8/27)

         As the school year is coming to an end, it is time to say goodbye to our friends and teachers. Looking back on the three years of my high school life, I am filled with many wonderful memories.

The singing contest during my first year was unforgettable. To prepare for it, we got together to practice even on the weekends. Everyone was so dedicated that no one complained about having to sacrifice their free time. Though we didn't win anything, it was the process and group effort that really counted.

Another memorable time was the basketball game during our sophomore year. Since.it's a sport that takes a lot of teamwork, the class gradually established a special bond during our many practices. I still remember the game where we turned the tables during the last half and beat our rival. After the game, we excitedly hugged each other and shed tears of triumph.

These happy memories and many more will stay in my mind forever and I will always cherish the time I spent in high school.


Cheating (8/28)


I never cheat on any school tests, but my friend once asked me to help him cheat on an English exam. No sooner had he made the request than I turned him down. He then kept begging me, saying that if he failed the test, he would flunk the course. Knowing that cheating is wrong but longing to help him out, I was in a dilemma.

During the test, my friend sat behind me and tapped me on the back with his pencil. Though I knew it was a sign for me to show him my test paper, I was too nervous to make a move. When I looked up, I found that Mrs. Su was looking in our direction, frowning. I felt butterflies in my stomach and could hardly breathe. It was a terrible experience and I promised myself I'd never put myself in such an awkward position again.



Lack of Sleep Is Bad for Your Health (8/29)


Many people, especially the young, view sleep as a waste of time. They prefer to stay up late hanging out with friends, playing computer games, or chatting online. They believe that making up for lost hours of sleep is easy to do.

However, lack of sleep doesn't just lead to fatigue and drowsiness. Other problems, including diabetes and heart disease, may result if you don't get enough sleep. Recent research has proven that lack of sleep can also lead to obesity. Workers who don't sleep enough might even endanger the lives of others.

For the sake of one's health , it is necessary to sleep at least seven hours a night. A good night's sleep is enjoyable, and, in the long run, beneficial to the body and mind.


Allergy Time (8/30)


As the temperature drops, people who suffer from allergies feel more uncomfortable than usual. Personally, I have horrible nasal allergies. These allergies tend to cause me trouble when the air is dirty or too cool. Going outside can be a nightmare because the polluted air makes it difficult for me to breathe. Dust, carpets , and animals also contribute to my allergies. At times, I can't even sleep because I'm having an allergy attack. My allergies, coupled with the cold weather, put me at higher risk for catching colds.

Other than taking daily medication, there is no way to get rid of my allergies. This winter, in an effort to ward off allergies and colds, I will wear a facemask when I'm out in public as well as keep my room clean. Hopefully, this will help me have a happy and sneeze-free winter.


My Red Envelope (8/31)


During Chinese New Year, every child expects to receive red envelopes from their parents and relatives, and I am no exception. Last New Year's Eve, after having our family reunion dinner, my grandparents gave me a big red envelope. I was so happy because I could now buy either a new MP3 player or a recently released game for my Game Boy.

Unfortunately, the next day my mother insisted that I give her my red envelope because she felt that I haven't learned how to spend my money wisely. She told me she would deposit the money into my savings account. In the future , she might use it to buy some useful dictionaries or encyclopedias for my studies. She went on to say that until I earn my own money, I can only do as I am told.



A Place Worth Visiting (09/01)


Even though traveling abroad can be great, most people can't afford such a getaway. For a great escape that won't break the bank, we need to look no further than our own backyard. Out of all of the cities in Taiwan, my hometown Hualien is by far the most wonderful place to visit. With its beautiful scenery and breathtaking beaches, it comes as no surprise that Hualien is often called the "Backyard of Taiwan." Unlike the hustle and bustle of Taipei , Hualien has a laidback atmosphere that can be felt in the friendliness of the people that live there.

Hualien's most impressive feature would have to be its incredible ocean views. Looking out at the sea, it's impossible to see where the ocean ends and the sky begins. If the pressure from work or school is getting to be too much or you just need to unwind or relax, then Hualien may be exactly what you need.


A Roller Coaster Ride (09/02)


Last Sunday, I went to a new amusement park with my friends. Since it was our first time there, I was eager to try the new rides. In particular, I have always enjoyed the thrill and excitement of roller coasters. The amusement park boasted that its biggest roller coaster has the steepest descent in Asia, so we waited in line patiently for our turn. Finally, we got in the car, fastened our seat belts tightly, and made our way up to the highest point. All of a sudden, the car felt as if it would hit the ground, turning and twisting along the rails. We all screamed like crazy, loving the feeling of being out of control.

When the ride was over, I felt extremely dizzy and could barely walk straight. It was as if my body didn't I belong to me. Though I almost threw my breakfast up,I really enjoyed the thrilling experience.!


Spice It Up! (09/03)


People in Taiwan enjoy eating spicy hot pot all year long. It is common to see people waiting in line for a table in front of an all-you-can-eat hot pot restaurant. In winter, there's nothing more satisfying than having spicy hot pot with friends to warm your body. In summer, people also find it exhilarating to eat spicy food, sweat, and then devour as much ice cream as they can.

Eating spicy hot pot might spice up your life and satisfy your appetite. However, it can lead to diarrhea if your stomach is delicate and the food is too spicy. Some spices are proven to be harmful to people who suffer from indigestion or have high blood pressure. Moreover, in an all-you-can-eat restaurant, some tend to eat beyond their limits and feel sick. In conclusion, while spicy hot pot may be delicious, people should always consider how much their body can handle before enjoying it.







The Benefits of Homeschooling (09/04)


Homeschooling may be unfamiliar to many people; however, more and more parents in Taiwan are choosing to educate their children at home. These parents claim that while a school education puts stress on academic success, it tends to ignore educating students about morals. As a result, students become test-taking machines and are unable to develop a well-rounded personality.

Furthermore, students also have more chances to fall victim to the bullying of other students at school or have more access to cigarettes , drugs, and alcohol. Rather than putting their children in such a dangerous environment, these parents opt to teach their children at home. The goal of home schooling is to nurture respectful, caring, and happy children as well as strengthen the bond between parents and children.

As far as I am concerned, even though homeschooling seems like an idealistic way of getting an education, I would never want to give up the fun of hanging out with my classmates at school.





To Wear Uniform or Not (09/05)

I approve of the regulations that say high school students must wear uniforms. First, wearing uniforms makes students equal. It doesn't matter if they are from poor families or rich ones. Uniforms help avoid the embarrassing times when well-off students walk around the school with their fancy clothes and poor students have to wear the same old shirts every day. Second, wearing uniforms saves time deciding on what to wear every morning. When students wear their own clothes, they also have to select suitable shoes and accessories to go with what they have on. As a result, they spend more time primping themselves in front of the mirror.

Last but not least, uniforms are a symbol of honor. Wearing them reminds students of their duty to study and makes them feel that they belong to a group. These are just a few of the reasons why every school should ask their students to wear uniforms.



Economizing on Energy Consumption (09/06)


Recently, the global oil crisis has been widely reported. It is estimated that the world will run out of oil and other fossil fuels in the next few decades. As the supply is unable to meet the demand, oil prices keep increasing. Therefore, energy experts have been striving to find solutions. One solution is working with alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, or water power.

But for most of us, the above solutions are out of our budget. What we can do is economize on the amount of energy we use in our daily lives. The quickest way to reduce our usage of oil is to drive our cars only when necessary. The less we drive, the less oil we need. Taking public transportation can cut down on traffic and eliminate some of the pollution in the air as well. In the near future, alternatively powered vehicles will be available, which will help us with this worldwide crisis.



Credit Cards (09/07)


More and more people are using credit cards instead of cash. In fact, many people have at least two credit cards in their wallet. At a store, it can be very tempting to pull out a credit card instead of using cash. While it is convenient to pay with a credit card, there are several drawbacks to using them.

First and foremost, credit card users should ask themselves if what they are buying is a want or a need. They should also keep in mind their monthly income before making a purchase. More often than not, people overspend and then can't afford to pay the bill later. This can affect their credit rating, which in turn will determine if they can get future loans. In conclusion, careful thought and consideration should always be taken when using credit cards.


A Satisfying Evening (09/08)


          Yesterday was the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. As usual, my family got together to eat glutinous rice ball soup, as is the Chinese tradition.

It was freezing cold outside, and nobody wanted to leave the house, but my mother asked me to go pick up some rice balls at the store down the street. Even though I put on warm clothes and wore a scarf, I was still frozen stiff by the chilly wind.

When I got horne, I stood next to my mother, watching her boil the rice balls and also trying to warm up. Afterwards, we sat around the table enjoying our steaming bowls of rice ball soup. As we ate , we caught up with one another and told jokes. While I was savoring the delicious food, I realized it was the time with my family that was more satisfying than the food I was eating.



What Success Means to Me (09/09)


Often times, people regard wealth as the only way to measure one's success. But there are additional ways to see oneself and others as successful.

Sitting back and never learning anything new is a sign of being a failure in life. But, if you make improving your mind a top priority, you are successful by any measure. Once you've achieved your educational goals, you must spread what you've learned around. Friends are also symbolic of a person's success. It isn't the number of friends, but the quality that really counts. Having people in your life you can depend on in a time of crisis is better than any amount of money. A healthy mind and body is the final piece of the puzzle, as it shows the world that you want to live your life to the fullest. When you have knowledge, friends, and a body that is fit , you are a successful person.


Haircut Regulations (09/10)

Recently, the Ministry of Education announced that schools should remove haircut regulations from their guidelines. The authorities feel that this will help students cultivate their own appreciation of beauty. Most students were certainly delighted to hear this news because they can follow their own inclination and have their hair cut however they want.

Though this may be the case, a fashionable appearance costs time and money. Some students may spend too much money finding a famous hairdresser to style their hair. If someone has an elaborate .hairstyle, it may take time to fix every morning. These students may also overemphasize their appearance, and thus neglect their studies.

As for me, while I don't want to look like a nerd, I still prefer to spend time studying instead of worrying about my hair.

For Better or Worse (09/11)


The 21 st century is a time of innovations and challenges. With an oil shortage looming on the horizon, scientists are now exploring alternative energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Once their efforts are successful, conflicts over oil will be a thing of the past. In addition, genetic engineering will be widely applied in both medicine and agriculture. Although this new technology has incited controversy, fear will gradually dissipate as the public becomes more accepting of it.

While humans make advances in some areas, they are always threatening the existence of natural resources. As agriculture encroaches upon woodlands, plants and animals die out in droves due to loss of habitats. The ozone layer, vital for our survival, is being depleted at an alarming rate. Efforts to salvage nature will be fruitless as long as the economy is put first. Will the 21st century be the summit of scientific achievement as well as the doom of mankind? Only time will tell.


The Night before a Mid-Term (09/12)


Josh had an important mid-term exam to study for and he was fully aware that he should pull an all-nighter. Unfortunately, Josh was obsessed with reading a Spiderman comic book. He just couldn't put it down. Right as the story was getting to an exciting part, his mother suddenly opened his door, practically scaring the pants off of him.

Josh tried to stash the comic under his notebook, but it was too late ---- he was caught red-handed. His mother not only took the comic book away but also threatened to tear it up into million pieces. Josh begged his mother not to destroy it because the comic belonged to his classmate. His mother told him the only way to save Spiderman was to ace his mid-term tomorrow.















  圓角矩形圖說文字: 情境完整、融入常用搭配用法的例句, 快速提升字彙能力!
 橢圓: 字彙測驗







全國首創詞彙得分大力丸單元──Word File




 橢圓: 閱讀測驗
  圓角矩形圖說文字: Reading Task單元好實用!





於每課課文右上角的Reading Task單元教學生怎麼讀課文,怎麼抓文章重點。小小方格蘊藏閱讀文章的大智慧!



課文頁後尚有Reading Comprehension單元,供學生立即檢視文章吸收程度,助學生review該篇課文重點。

ç針對Reading Task的問題或提示設計簡單不費時的題目,動動腦作答,增加學生對學習英文的信心,又能達到學習英文的效果!

ç針對課文內容設計選擇題,並融入大考常見閱讀測驗題型,如主旨題(main idea)、細節題(which of the following statements is true)、推論題(inference)等,及早練習,及早上手!

圓角矩形圖說文字: 句型與寫作單元助學生一臂之力!課文主題豐富而多元,舉凡健康生活、外國風土、多元文化、發明世界、本土文化、生命教育、人物介紹等等,應有盡有,帶領學生探索不同專業領域,面對大考閱測文章再也不害怕!

橢圓: 翻譯與寫作 



Sentence Patterns單元以基礎句型堆疊而上,循序漸進介紹進階句型,輔以練習題提供學生活用的機會。有了句型單元的加持,翻譯可以翻出好句子!






1. Nowadays many companies adopt a ______ work schedule which allows their employees to decide when to arrive at work—from as early as 6 a.m. to as late as 11 a.m.

(A) relative         (B) severe                 (C) primitive             (D) flexible


(A)相對的          (B)嚴重的                (C)原始的                (D)彈性的


2. To teach children right from wrong, some parents will ______ their children when they behave well and punish them when they misbehave.

(A) settle            (B) declare               (C) reward                (D) neglect


(A)安頓              (B)宣布                    (C)獎賞                   (D)忽略

【解析】由對等連接詞and可推知兩個動詞片語為對等的情形,當孩子們表現良好時得到獎賞,舉止失當時則受到懲罰,故選(C) reward

【補充】 from有表示區別或比較之意。例:tell A from B 辨別ABknow right from wrong 辨別是非

3. To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV.

(A) technical      (B) significant          (C) affordable          (D) expressive


(A)技術的          (B)有意義的            (C)負擔得起的      (D)表現的

【解析】由關鍵詞tight budget得知,Robert買不起昂貴的3D電視,只能負擔較便宜的LED電視,所以本題選(C) affordable


        tight schedule 緊湊的行程;tight squeeze 擁擠的空間

4. David’s new book made it to the best-seller list because of its beautiful ______ and amusing stories.

(A) operations    (B) illustrations        (C) engagements      (D) accomplishment


(A)操作              (B)插圖                   (C)諾言                    (D)成就

【解析】有精美插圖與有趣故事的書能受到讀者的喜愛,可推知答案選(B) illustrations

5. The airport was closed because of the snowstorm, and our ______ for Paris had to be delayed until the following day.

(A) movement    (B) registration         (C) tendency            (D) departure


(A)運動              (B)登記                    (C)傾向                    (D)起程

【解析】v 也可由空格後的介系詞for推知應搭配departure

【補充】departure for:前往某地

6. The moment the students felt the earthquake, they ran ______ out of the classroom to an open area outside.

(A) swiftly         (B) nearly                 (C) loosely                (D) formally


(A)迅速地         (B)幾乎                    (C)鬆弛地                (D)正式地

【解析】依據常理,地震一發生,人們必定會迅速逃至空曠處避難,因此答案應選(A) swiftly

【補充】The moment = The instant = The minute = As soon as:一

7. The ______ capacity of this elevator is 400 kilograms. For safety reasons, it shouldn’t be overloaded.

(A) delicate        (B) automatic           (C) essential             (D) maximum


(A)精美的          (B)自動的                (C)必要的                (D)最大的

【解析】由後句「電梯不應超載」可反推前句指的是電梯的最大承載量,故選(D) maximum

8. An open display of ______ behavior between men and women, such as hugging and kissing, is not allowed in some conservative societies.

(A) intimate        (B) ashamed             (C) earnest                (D) urgent


(A)親密的         (B)羞愧的                (C)誠摯的                (D)緊急的

【解析】由擁抱與親吻可推知指的是親密行為,故選(A) intimate

9. When taking medicine, we should read the instructions on the ______ carefully because they provide important information such as how and when to take it.

(A) medals         (B) quotes                (C) labels                  (D) recipes


(A)獎章              (B)引文                    (C)標籤                   (D)食譜

【解析】由常理可知,藥品的標籤會提供該藥物的重要資訊,故應選(C) label

10. The angry passengers argued ______ with the airline staff because their flight was cancelled without any reason.

(A) evidently      (B) furiously             (C) obediently          (D) suspiciously


(A)明顯          (B)狂怒地               (C)服從地                (D)猜疑地

【解析】從形容詞angry與文意「班機莫名取消」,可知乘客們必定怒不可遏,故選(B) furiously

11. To ______ the new product, the company offered some free samples before they officially launched it.

(A) contribute    (B) impress               (C) promote              (D) estimate


(A)貢獻              (B)極深的印象(C)促銷                   (D)估計

【解析】根據文意,提供試用品是常見的促銷手法之一,可知應選(C) promote

12. I was worried about my first overseas trip, but my father ______ me that he would help plan the trip so that nothing would go wrong.

(A) rescued        (B) assured               (C) inspired              (D) conveyed


(A)援救              (B)保證           (C)激勵                    (D)傳達

【解析】由句意得知,為了讓孩子能放心出國,父親保證會協助,故選(B) assured

13. The recent cooking oil scandals have led to calls for tougher ______ of sales of food products.

(A) tolerance      (B) guarantee           (C) regulation           (D) distribution


(A)寬容              (B)保證                    (C)規定                   (D)分配

【解析】根據時事,食用油問題披露了食安的重要性,讓民眾要求更嚴格的規定,可知應選(C) regulation

14. John should ______ more often with his friends and family after work, instead of staying in his room to play computer games.

(A) explore        (B) interact               (C) negotiate            (D) participate


(A)探險              (B)互動                    (C)談判                    (D)參加

【解析】由文意推知,John常待在房間裡打電玩,必定很少與親友交流或互動,故選(B) interact


15. To prevent the spread of the Ebola virus from West Africa to the rest of the world, many airports have begun Ebola ______ for passengers from the infected areas.

(A) screenings    (B) listings                (C) clippings             (D) blockings


(A)篩檢             (B)列表                    (C)修剪                    (D)阻礙

【解析】為了不讓病毒擴散,必須篩檢感染高危險的入境者,可推知答案為(A) screenings





Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People   16   Tai Chi mainly for its health benefits. This centuries-old Chinese mind-body exercise is now gaining popularity in the United States.

The most familiar aspect of Tai Chi Chuan is the hand form, which is a series of slow-flowing movements with poetic names   17   “dragons stirring up the wind” and “wave hands like clouds.” These movements, forming an exercise system,   18   one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, or the Qi energy, in one’s body.  

Tai Chi Chuan is not only a physical but also a   19   exercise. Psychologically, this exercise may increase communication between the body and the mind and enable one to deal with other people more effectively. It   20   stress and creates calmness and confidence. Relaxation and a feeling of joy are among the first noticeable differences in a Tai Chi student.




16. (A) practice       (B) consult              (C) display            (D) manage

(A)練習      (B)查閱          (C)陳列         (D)管理

【解析】本題測驗字義。由文意可知,練習太極拳的人主要為了健康利益,故選(A) practice

17. (A) from            (B) like                   (C) between          (D) regarding

(A)                (B)                       (C)之間           (D)關於

【解析】本題評量介系詞的用法。由上下文推論,空格前提及太極拳最聞名的是它的掌勢,而這些掌勢均被賦予頗具詩意的名稱,可知空格後的引號內應為掌勢名稱的舉例,故選(B) like

18. (A) allow           (B) allows            (C) allowed      (D) allowing

【解析】本題測驗句構分析的能力。本句的主詞為These movements,而forming an exercise system為分詞片語修飾主詞,故空格應為主要動詞,又主詞為複數形,故選(A) allow

19. (A) formal        (B) mental              (C) social                (D) global

 (A)正式的        (B)心理的               (C)社會的              (D)全球的

【解析】本題測驗對等連接詞not only . . . but also的用法與形容詞文意。由not only . . . but also得知其連接的形容詞文意對等,由字義可知應選與physical對等的(B) mental

20. (A) imposes      (B) offends             (C) reduces             (D) disturbs

(A)強加於 (B)冒犯                 (C)減少         (D)打擾

【解析】本題測驗字彙與文意理解。後句提及學習太極可幫助放鬆,可推知本句指的是太極拳有減壓效果,因此選(C) reduce



Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign in most cultures, particularly when seen in the spring.   21  , a woodpecker, when seen near the home, is regarded as a good sign. In contrast, the peacock is not   22   seen as lucky. In places like India, the peacock is considered lucky because the great many “eyes” on its feathers are said to alert it to   23   evil. Peacocks are also highly valued in China and Japan, where they are kept as symbols by the ruling families to   24   their status and wealth. However, the peacock receives only scorn from the rest of the world. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most   25   part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with “evil eyes.” To bring the evil eye into the home is thus believed to invite trouble and sorrow.


21. (A) Therefore   (B) Nevertheless     (C) Roughly            (D) Similarly

(A)因此      (B)然而         (C)大約          (D)同樣地

【解析】本題轉折語用法。前句提及青鳥被視為吉祥物,空格後表示啄木鳥亦被視為好運的象徵,兩者同為正面意思,故答案選(D) Similarly

22. (A) officially    (B) mutually           (C) universally         (D) eventually

(A)正式地        (B)相互地        (C)普遍地        (D)最後

【解析】本題測驗字彙與文意判斷。後句提及孔雀在印度、中國、日本等地被視為吉祥物,但隨後又指出孔雀在世界其他地區並不受歡迎,可推知孔雀並非普遍被視為吉祥物,故答案選(C) universally

23. (A) approach  (B) approaching (C) approached   (D) be approaching

【解析】本題測驗片語alert sb to sth/V-ing(使警覺)的用法,答案為動名詞(B) approaching

24. (A) replace   (B) disguise       (C) distinguish    (D) represent

(A)取代              (B)掩飾                 (C)區別                      (D)代表

【解析】本題測驗字義。由文意得知,在中國與日本,孔雀被掌權者的家族飼養來代表地位與財富,故選(D) represent

25. (A) unlucky       (B) illogical          (C) impossible    (D) unnecessary

(A)不吉利的     (B)不合邏輯的     (C)不可能的              (D)不必要的

【解析】本題測驗文意理解。由文意得知,孔雀羽毛上的眼睛圖樣被視為邪惡之眼,將此物帶入家中將會引來麻煩與不幸,故知答案應選與此意呼應的(A) unlucky



Nutritional products that can be collected from trees include fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, and bark. Tree products have been an important part of diets for thousands of years, from early humans   26   fruits and nuts to the first cultivation of important trees, such as mango and apple.

The apple is one of the world’s most cultivated fruit trees,   27   over 7,000 different kinds in existence. Despite their great   28  , however, most domesticated apples can be traced back to a common ancestor, the wild apple of Central Asia, Malus sieversii. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and   29   to North America by European colonists in the 17th century. Today, apples are   30   eaten the world over and form the basis for multi-million dollar industries. In 2005, at least 55 million tons of apples were grown worldwide, which generated a value of about $10 billion.



26. (A) to gather    (B) gather               (C) gathered            (D) gathering

 【解析】本題測驗分詞片語的用法。原句為from early humans that gather   

           fruits and nuts,以關係子句修飾humans,省略關係代名詞後,將


           分詞(D) gathering

27. (A) all             (B) with         (C) around            (D) still

(A)所有            (B)表附帶狀況     (C)大約              (D)仍然

【解析】本題測驗with的用法。由結構來看,空格後為O + OC。四個選項中,只有with可接續O + OC,表示附帶狀況,故選(B) with

28. (A) variety        (B) harvest             (C) condition           (D) discovery

(A)種類          (B)收成                  (C)情況          (D)發現

【解析】本題測驗字義與文意理解。前句指出現存的蘋果有超過七千種,本句表示儘管蘋果的品種繁多,大部分均是源自中亞的野生蘋果,可回推空格是呼應前句蘋果有眾多品種,故答案應(A) variety

29. (A) bring         (B) have brought    (C) were brought  (D) have been brought

【解析】本題測驗動詞的時態和語態。由文意可知,蘋果在十七世紀時被歐洲殖民者帶至北美,故應選表示被動語態的複數動詞(C) were brought

30. (A) regularly     (B) particularly       (C) permanently      (D) barely

(A)經常地      (B)特別               (C)永久地        (D)幾乎沒有


        現今蘋果已是全球經常食用的水果,故選(A) regularly





A paperclip, made of steel wire bent into a hooped shape, is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together. This common   31   is a wonder of simplicity and function. But where did this simple, cheap, and indispensable invention come from?

In the late 19th century, the most common way to hold papers together was by using a pin. Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily   32  , it would leave holes in the paper. Later, as steel wire became more common, inventors began to notice its elastic feature. With this feature, it could be stretched and   33   various clip-like objects. In the years just prior to 1900, quite a few paperclip designs emerged. The name most frequently   34   the paperclip invention is Johan Vaaler, a Norwegian inventor. However, Vaaler’s clips were not the same as the paperclips currently in use. Specifically, they did not have the interior loop we see today. The

  35   looped design was invented by Gem Manufacturing Ltd. in England. This clip is therefore sometimes   36   the Gem clip.

Because of Vaaler, the paperclip played an important   37   role in Norway. During World War II, Norway was occupied by the Nazis. Norwegians were prohibited from wearing any   38   of their national unity, such as buttons with the initials of their king. Thus, in   39  , they started wearing paperclips to show their solidarity. The reason for doing this was simple: Paperclips were a Norwegian invention whose original function was to bind together. After the war, a giant paperclip statue was erected in Oslo to   40   Vaaler—even though his design was never actually manufactured.


十九世紀晚期裝訂紙張最常見的方式是使用別針,雖然別針便宜且32.移除容易,但會穿破紙張。之後當鐵圈較為普及,發明家開始注意到它的彈性,彈性使其能伸展並33.扭轉成各式夾子狀的形體。接近1900年,一些迴紋針的設計出現了。最常34.迴紋針發明聯想在一起的名字是挪威發明家Johan Vaaler。然而Vaaler發明的迴紋針與今日常用的迴紋針不同,具體地說,Vaaler的迴紋針沒有我們今日所見的內圈。我們所35.熟悉的迴圈設計由英國Gem製造公司發明,因此這個迴紋針有時也36.稱作Gem迴紋針。



(A) familiar     (B) honor     (C) device     (D) removable     (E) known as       (F) protest      (G) symbol    (H) twisted into (I) associated with   (J) historical

(A)熟悉的 adj.    (B)榮譽 vt.   (C)設備 n. [C]  (D)可去掉的 adj.

(E)以…而聞名 v.  (F)抗議 n. [U]     (G)象徵 n. [C]  (H)扭彎成 v.

(I)與…有關 v.     (J)歷史的 adj.



31. This common _____ is a wonder of simplicity and function,空格位於形容詞


   又實用的設備,所以選(C) device

32. was easily _____,本格位於副詞後,可知應填入形容詞,前後子句以Although連接,可知前後意思相對。依句意雖然別針既便宜又容易移除,它會穿破紙張,故選(D) removable

33. it could be stretched and _____ various clip-like objects,由對等連接詞and可知,前後的字詞應為同詞性,所以本格應填入與stretched相同詞性的過去分詞twisted intoassociated with,依句意判斷,可確定答案為(H) twisted into

34. The name most frequently _____ the paperclip invention is Johan Vaaler,本句

   的主詞為The name,動詞為is,主詞以most frequently . . . 修飾。本格後接

   名詞,可知應選及物動詞變化的分詞或含介系詞的片語:known as

   associated with。由句意最常被聯想到迴紋針的名字是Johan Vaaler,故選(I)

   associated with

35. The _____ looped design,本格後為名詞,故應選形容詞:familiarhistorical,由句意我們熟悉的迴圈設計是由Gem Manufacturing Ltd.所發明,可知應選(A) familiar

36. This clip is therefore sometimes _____ the Gem clip. 本格前有be動詞,後

   有名詞,故應填過去分詞或含介系詞的過去分詞,故答案為(E) known as

37. the paperclip played an important _____ role in Norway,本格位於名詞前,應填入形容詞,答案選(J) historical

38. wearing any _____ of their national unity,本格前有any,後有of,可知應填入名詞,由protestsymbol選擇,依句意可知應選(G) symbol

39. in _____, they started wearing paperclips,本格在介系詞後,答案應為名詞,選(F) protestin protest:作為抗議。

40. a giant paperclip statue was erected in Oslo to _____ Vaaler,本格在不定詞to之後,可知應選原形動詞(B) honor






In 2009, the Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers were invited to perform in Belgium, France, Germany, and Luxemburg. In 2011, they were voted as one of the world’s top five performance groups by audiences of Japan Broadcasting Corporation’s Amazing Voice program.

Recalling the group’s first tour in Europe, Camake Valaule, a physical education teacher and the founder of the Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers, admitted that he felt very nervous. He was worried that the audience would fall asleep since most of the 75-minute performance was a cappella, that is, singing without instrumental sound. Surprisingly, the audience listened with full focus and high spirits. Camake said, “They told me afterward that through our performance, they had a vision of our country, our village, without having to visit it. This experience greatly boosted our confidence.”

 According to Camake Valaule, singing traditional ballads has helped students and their parents to re-understand their culture. “It used to be that the only ones who could sing these songs were tribal elders aged between 50 and 60. Now with the children performing the pieces, parents are beginning to ask, ‘Why do we not know how to sing these ballads?’ Many times nowadays, it is the children who teach the songs to their parents, putting back the pieces of a blurred memory.”

Winning international fame, however, was neither the original intention nor the main reason why Camake founded the group in 2006. The most important thing was to make children understand why they sing these songs and to preserve and pass on their culture. Referring to the relocation of Taiwu Elementary School and Taiwu Village following Typhoon Morakot in August 2009, Camake said, “We could not take the forest or our houses in the mountains with us; but we were able to bring our culture along. As long as the children are willing to sing, I will always be there for them, singing with them and leading them to experience the meaning of the ballads.”





41. Which of the following is true about Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers?

(A) The group was first established in 2009.

(B) The group was founded by a PE teacher.

(C) The singers usually sing popular folk songs.

(D) The singers learn to sing from their parents.







u 由最後一段的第一句可知傳唱隊創立於2006

v 第二段第一句提及傳唱隊的創立者是體育老師查馬克法拉屋樂,故選(B)

x 第三段最後一句提及是傳唱隊員教父母唱古謠

42. On his first trip to Europe, why did Camake think the audience might fall asleep?

(A) The average age of the audience was between fifty and sixty.

(B) Most of the performance was not accompanied by any instrument.

(C) Nobody could understand the language and the meaning of the songs.

(D) The audience could not visualize the theme sung by the school children.







w 本文未提及此論點。

x 第二段倒數第二句提及觀眾從傳唱隊的表演中得以想像學童們家鄉的面貌。

43. What does “the pieces of a blurred memory” in the third paragraph most likely refer to?

(A) The children’s ignorance of their own culture.

(B) The fading memories about old tribal people.

(C) The broken pieces of knowledge taught at school.

(D) The parents’ vague understanding of their own tradition.







44. What did Camake realize after the incident of Typhoon Morakot?

(A) The significance of the relocation of Taiwu Elementary School.

(B) The need to respect nature to avoid being destroyed by it.

(C) The importance of passing on the traditional culture.

(D) The consequence of building houses in the forest.









When it comes to medical care, many patients and doctors believe “more is better.” But what they do not realize is that overtreatment—too many scans, too many blood tests, too many procedures—may pose harm. Sometimes a test leads you down a path to more and more testing, some of which may be invasive, or to treatment for things that should be left alone.

Terrence Power, for example, complained that after his wife learned she had Wegener’s disease, an uncommon disorder of the immune system, they found it difficult to refuse testing recommended by her physician. The doctor insisted on office visits every three weeks, even when she was feeling well. He frequently ordered blood tests and X-rays, and repeatedly referred her to specialists for even minor complaints. Even when tests came back negative, more were ordered, and she was hospitalized as a precaution when she developed a cold. She had as many as 25 doctor visits during one six-month period. The couple was spending about $30,000 a year for her care.

After several years of physical suffering and near financial ruin from the medical costs, the couple began questioning the treatment after consulting with other patients in online support groups. “It’s a really hard thing to determine when they’ve crossed the line,” Mr. Power said. “You think she’s getting the best care in the world, but after a while you start to wonder: What is the objective?” Mr. Power then spoke with his own primary care doctor, who advised him to find a new specialist to oversee Mrs. Power’s care. Under the new doctor’s care, the regular testing stopped and Mrs. Power’s condition stabilized. Now she sees the doctor only four or five times a year.


Terrence Power為例。他抱怨在他妻子被檢查出罹患韋格納肉芽腫——一種免疫系統的少見疾病——後,他們就被迫接受醫生所建議的各種檢查。即便他妻子覺得身體狀況良好,醫生仍堅持他們必須每三週回診一次;醫生也經常安排抽血檢驗與X光掃瞄檢查;只要他妻子有一點不適就將她轉診到其他專科;甚至就算檢查報告的結果正常,醫生仍為她安排更多檢查;然後一當感冒就要她住院觀察以防萬一。他的妻子每半年間就必須複診多達25次,醫療費用一年就要花約3萬元美金。


45. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Treatments do not always cause harmful side effects.

(B) Patients tend to believe more testing is better treatment.

(C) Too much medical care may not be beneficial to patients.

(D) Doctors generally recommend office visits that are necessary.






【說明】第一段第二句“ . . . overtreatment . . . may pose harm.”點出主旨,表示過度的醫療可能有害,故選(C)

46. Which of the following was a problem for Mrs. Power during her medical treatment?

(A) She had to be hospitalized for three weeks whenever she had a cold.

(B) She didn’t have any insurance, so she went broke because of her illness.

(C) When test results showed she was fine, her doctor still ordered more tests.

(D) Her doctor asked her to consult other specialists due to her constant complaints.







u 本文未提及她被要求住院多久。

v 本文未提及這點。

w 第二段倒數第三句的前段提及即使Power太太檢查的結果正常,醫生仍安排她做更多檢查,故選(C)

x 本文未提及這點。

47. Who does “they” in the third paragraph most likely refer to?

(A) Physicians.                                 (B) Other patients.

(C) Mr. and Mrs. Power.                  (D) The online support groups.






【說明】由第三段可知Power夫婦開始質疑這些年來他們是否都被施以過度醫療,而Power先生所指逾越分寸(cross the line)的「他們」自然是Power太太的主治醫生們,故選(A)

48. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward medical tests?

(A) More tests than necessary are too much.

(B) Medical tests are essential for disease prevention.

(C) Many tests are needed for confirmation of diagnosis.

(D) Doctors’ interpretations of test results are seldom wrong.






【說明】 由本文主旨“ . . . overtreatment—too many scans, too many blood tests, too many procedures—may pose harm.”可知作者認為過多的檢查程序即為過度醫療,故選(A)。其他選項在本文均未提及。



Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) is one of the most original and influential figures in the history of photography. His humane, spontaneous photographs helped establish photojournalism as an art form.

Cartier-Bresson’s family was wealthy—his father made a fortune as a textile manufacturer—but Cartier-Bresson later joked that due to his parents’ frugal ways, it often seemed as though his family was poor.

Educated in Paris, Cartier-Bresson developed an early love for literature and the arts. As a teenager, Cartier-Bresson rebelled against his parents’ formal ways of education. In his early adulthood, he even drifted toward communism. But it was art that remained at the center of his life.

Cartier-Bresson traveled to Africa in 1931 to hunt antelope and boar. And Africa fueled another interest in him: photography. He then wandered around the world with his camera, using a handheld camera to catch images from fleeting moments of everyday life.

Not long after World War II, Cartier-Bresson traveled east, spending considerable time in India, where he met and photographed Gandhi shortly before his assassination in 1948. Cartier-Bresson’s subsequent work to document Gandhi’s death and its immediate impact on the country became one of Life Magazine’s most prized photo essays.

Cartier-Bresson’s approach to photography remained much the same throughout his life. He made clear his dislike of images that had been improved by artificial light, darkroom effects, and even cropping. The naturalist in Cartier-Bresson believed that all editing should be done when the photo is taken. In 1952, his first book, The Decisive Moment, a rich collection of his work spanning two decades, was published. “There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment,” he said.

In 1968, he began to turn away from photography and returned to his passion for drawing and painting.

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004)是攝影史上最具原創性及影響力的人物。他人道且自發性的攝影作品有助新聞攝影此類藝術形式的成立。

Cartier-Bresson的家族十分富有——他的父親以紡織商的身分大發利市——不過Henri Cartier-Bresson笑道因為他雙親節儉的生活方式,他的家庭常予人家徒四壁的印象。






49. Which of the following best describes Cartier-Bresson’s family background?

(A) His family was rich but was very economical.

(B) His father went to Paris to open a textile factory.

(C) His wealthy family went bankrupt and became poor.

(D) His parents were very liberal in their ways of education.






【說明】v 文章並未明確指出該紡織廠設於巴黎,故(B)不可選。

        x 文中未提及。

50. Which of the following is true about Cartier-Bresson’s career in photography?

(A) He devoted himself to photography all his life.

(B) He developed a passion for photography when he traveled to Africa.

(C) He quit photography right after the publication of The Decisive Moment.

(D) During World War II, he documented the everyday life of the Indian people.






【說明】x 第五段指出Cartier-Bresson曾在二次大戰後的印度居住一段時間,並以其攝影作品證明甘地之死對印度的影響。

51. What significance did Cartier-Bresson have to Gandhi of India?

(A) He witnessed Gandhi’s assassination in 1948.

(B) He was the first photographer to take Gandhi’s photo.

(C) He used photos to document the effect of Gandhi’s death on India.

(D) His photos told the world who was guilty of assassinating Gandhi.







52. Which of the following is true about Cartier-Bresson’s approach to photography?

(A) He never waited for a decisive moment to shoot photos.

(B) He preferred to edit his images carefully in his darkroom.

(C) Most of his photos described things that happen every day.

(D) He experimented with different ways and settled on being a naturalist.






【說明】第四段的最後一句“using a handheld camera to catch images from fleeting moments of everyday life” 指出Cartier-Bresson拍攝的多為日常生活中的事物,故選(C)



You’ve most likely heard the news by now: A car-commuting, desk-bound, TV-watching lifestyle can be harmful to our health. All the time that we spend rooted in the chair is linked to increased risks of so many deadly diseases that experts have named this modern-day health epidemic the “sitting disease.”

Sitting for too long slows down the body’s metabolism and the way enzymes break down our fat reserves, raising both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Small amounts of regular activity, even just standing and moving around, throughout the day is enough to bring the increased levels back down. And those small amounts of activity add up—30 minutes of light activity in two or three-minute bursts can be just as effective as a half-hour block of exercise. But without that activity, blood sugar levels and blood pressure keep creeping up, steadily damaging the inside of the arteries and increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases. In essence, fundamental changes in biology occur if you sit for too long.

But wait, you’re a runner. You needn’t worry about the harm of a sedentary lifestyle because you exercise regularly, right? Well, not so fast. Recent studies show that people spend an average of 64 hours a week sitting, whether or not they exercise 150 minutes a week as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). Regular exercisers, furthermore, are found to be about 30 percent less active on days when they exercise. Overall, most people simply aren’t exercising or moving around enough to counteract all the harm that can result from sitting nine hours or more a day.

Scared straight out of your chair? Good. The remedy is as simple as standing up and taking activity breaks.





53. What is the purpose of this passage?

(A) To point out the challenges of the modern lifestyle.

(B) To discuss how a modern epidemic may spread quickly.

(C) To explore the effects of regular exercise to our body.

(D) To explain the threat to our health from long hours of sitting.







54. What does the word “sedentary” in the third paragraph most likely mean?

(A) Modern.           (B) Risky.               (C) Inactive.           (D) Epidemic.







55. What is the best way to bring down high blood sugar level and blood pressure?

(A) Exercising for 150 minutes or more every week.

(B) Getting rid of the habit of car commuting and TV watching.

(C) Interrupting sitting time with light activity as often as possible.

(D) Standing or moving around for at least two or three minutes every day.







56. Which of the following may be inferred about those who do serious exercise?

(A) They often live longer than those who don’t exercise.

(B) They tend to stand or move around less on days they work out.

(C) They generally spend less time sitting than those who are inactive.

(D) They usually do not meet the standard of exercise recommended by WHO.






 【說明】u 文中未提及。

w 文中未提及。

x 文中未提及。








1. 一個成功的企業不應該把獲利當作最主要的目標。


u參考句型:S + V + O + OC

            S + V + O1 + as + O2

v企業 enterprise

wA當作B (1) make + A + B

              (2) see/view/take/regard/think of/look upon + A + as B

x獲利 make/earn profits

y主要的目標  main/primary objective/goal   


(1) A successful enterprise should not make earning profits its main/primary objective/goal.

(2) A successful enterprise should not see/view/take/regard/think of/look upon earning/making profits as its main/primary objective/goal.

2. 它應該負起社會責任,以增進大眾的福祉。


u參考句型:S + V + O + to + V + O

v負起社會責任 take on its social responsibility

w增進 increase

x大眾的福祉 public well-being


It should take on its social responsibility to increase public well-being.









    I would choose the book LEADERSHIP IS A CHOICE: Conquer Your Fears & You Can Be a Leader Too. Since the target readers of this book might all have the intention of being leaders, they must be fearless. As a result, I suppose the author might open his chapters by providing several self-assessment quizzes about self-fear, allowing readers to look into their hearts. He might also exemplify with several plausible scenarios where potential leaders are faced with fear. What follows might be the different types of fears as well as the theories of how human fears are generated and the analysis of what leads to these dreadful feelings. Then, in the final chapters, it is highly likely that the author provides good useful tips on how to help readers conquer these fears and how to be a good leader.


I decide to choose this book because I would like to be a good leader in the future. Shy and introvert as I am, I actually admire those who are brave and competent enough to direct or lead a group. The American President Barack Obama and the late Prime minister of United Kingdom Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher are my idols. Their fearless attitude, decisive characters, and charisma are what I would like to develop inside myself. After reading this book, I am sure I would strengthen my mind. I would like to put what the author conveys and teaches into practice by seeking an opportunity to serve as the leader of my dance club. Despite the inner fears and nervousness that trouble me at this moment, I will follow the author’s tips, conquer my fears, and be a leader, too.




桃園市新興高級中學112學年度第一學期 高一單字大賽

出題老師: 林志宏

審題老師: 張玉人

適用班級: 259-270 , 英一甲,

1-45 題為單選題(每題2 90)

1.     _______driving should be strongly condemned because it poses a threat to other people's lives and destroys two or even more families at the same time.

        (A) Enacted            (B) Drunk        (C) Mature       (D) Mobile    

2. The waitress __________to me because she splashed coffee on my shirt and pants.

(A) melted     (B) injured      (C) impressed          (D) apologized

3. In this neighborhood there used to be a funny old man that was very well liked. His _______ was "Tiger," because he was never seen without his orange striped T-shirt.

 (A) foresight          (B) nickname         (C) budget         (D) feather 

4. Tess _____ invited me to come visit her during summer vacation by sending me an

  invitation card.

    (A)formerly               (B)formally      (C)fairly           (D)fatally

5. Ms. White was not aware that she was too stubborn to accept others' opinions. She should have been more ___________.

(A) fierce          (B) flexible       (C) ferocious         (D)  fluent

6. In my opinion, life is not just about making money and enhancing one's social_________.

      (A) outcome      (B) nomination       (C) status   (D) nightmare   

7. The ____________ conduct of parents, such as smoking or cursing in front of their children may mislead their children.

(A) unavoidable        (B) impatient        (C) imaginary       (D) inappropriate  

8 The young man was so __________ with looking at the beautiful woman that he bumped into his teacher Janet.

(A)           pregnant         (B) fertile        (C) fearful      (D)preoccupied

9. According to CNN news, no _______ were found after the plane crash. All the passengers        

   were dead.

    (A) survivors       (B) survivals    (C) graduates   (D) freshmen

10. The chef suggested that before we eat the fish, _______ a little of lemon juice onto it.

(A) roar      (B)   budget        (C) squeeze             (D) isolate

11. Never laugh at others' __________ when they are down and out. You never know when you will be in the same boat.

(A) motives   (B) motions     (C) misfortunes      (D) misconceptions

12. I am a grown-up, and I can think for myself and I want to be independent. Please don't try to __________ me all the time.

(A) maximize          (B) manipulate  (C) manufacture     (D) manifest     

13. Neither your lungs nor your heart is the largest _____ of the human body. It’s the skin.

       (A) organ     (B) nerve        (C) nature      (D) orphan

14. Mary glanced _______ through a fashion magazine while waiting to get a perm.

(A) barely  (B) strategically (C) casually   (D) doubtfully

15.  My passport ________last month. It has to be renewed before I plan to go abroad.

(A) vanished    (B) floated     (C) expired (D) paraded

16. The presidential candidate in this island country has vowed to fight against hunger and ________ in his country.

   (A) property          (B) poverty        (C) prosperity  (D) priority

17. Since the economy was so bad during the recession, we have to keep a ________ budget to make ends meet.

(A) immoral           (B) tight       (C) horrible               (D) living

18. Whales use very high-pitched sounds to send signals to each other, _________ sharing information.

(A) illegally (C) humbly    (D) notoriously  (D) apparently

19. The committee spent the whole day discussing the issue but the meeting was quite ________ because no conclusion was reached.

      (A) frank        (B) fruitful             (C) frugal          (D) fruitless   

20. The worker kept complaining to management that he was a victim of _______ discrimination.

(A) tight                  (B) regretful                   (C) racial              (D) lively

21 The boss of an international company attempted _________ after his firm had gone  


(A) suicide        (B) misery         (C) ladder         (D) ignorance       

22. To my ____________, I started gambling again only a few days after I swore it off.

(A) breeze (B) shame   (C) quarrel  (D) mess

23. Doris was really hospitable to me because she offered me tea in her best cup


 (A) orchid       (B) carriage         (C) saucer   (D) poison

24. For safety’s sake, the lifeguard told the kids to move back to the _______ end of the swimming pool.
(A) marine      (B) authentic   (C) shallow (D) athletic

25. How dare you put chalk powder in the teacher’s teacup ! You should know that such _________ behavior is very childish and unforgivable.

(A) immature      (B) immense    (C) imminent       (D) impartial

26. Mr. Chen is not in his office at the moment. Would you like to leave a _____________?

      (A) miracle  (B) message     (C) meteor      (D) method

27. People who have poor _____ systems easily catch contagious diseases.

 (A) immune     (B) impractical (C) immoral        (D) impressive    

29. __________ has it that there is a wizard living on the top of that mountain and he catches three mischievous children every day

(A) League    (B) Legend          (C) Length          (D) Leisure 

30. Since the girl’s car broke down on her way home, they invited her to ________ with


(A) hitchhike      (B) hesitate  (C) hibernate  (D) huddle 

31. You need to show your _____ card to the guard before you enter the door.

(A) identity      (B) household        (C) horoscope         (D) incident 

32. Standing on the _________ while waiting for the train, Peter spotted a woman pickpocketing from a lady’s bag

(A) potential      (B) pollution       (C) platform      (D) portion

33. The pyramids are part of the cultural _____ in Egypt.

(A) hometown      (B) heritage   (C) housework    (D) helmet    

34. If Kobra Brown truly committed the crime, he should _____ guilty.

             (A) pledge   (B) plead      (C) pluck       (D) plunge 

35.Many people suffering from insomnia often have to take sleeping _______ to get to sleep.

(A) bills        (B) drills     (C) pills       (D) hills

36. Fatty Johnson is such a(n) _____ that people in his neighborhood always avoid him

wherever he goes.

      (A) obstacle    (B) nuisance     (C) nausea        (D) ordeal    

37. Driving habits vary from one country to another. In some countries, ________ the horn while you're driving is only supposed to be for an emergency.

     (A)  hesitating         (B) drilling       (C) honking  (D) weeping

38. Nowadays, children spend so much time _______ iPads or mobile phone screens that they cannot hold a pencil properly.

(A)           plotting        (B) swiping        (C) navigating     (D) persisting

39. Robots are taking over more parts of our lives and jobs. The latest job to feel ________ by technology is carpentry.

(A) threatened     (B) panicked     (C) pampered    (D) complained

40. China yesterday said it would fight back “at any cost” with fresh ___________ to safeguard its interests if the US sticks to its protectionist actions.

(A)   agents      (B) measures        (C) guardians        (D) routines

41. To _____ his stage fright, Ed practices giving his speech in front of the mirror every day.

      (A) permit       (B) outline    (C) peel            (D) overcome

42. Sharon has tried to _____ midnight snacking because she wants to lose weight.

(A) quiet    (B) quote             (C) queue            (D) quit 

43. Traveling around can broaden one's _____. That's why I insist on going traveling at least

once a year.

    (A) hooligans       (B) hostages          (C) horizons    (D)  hillsides

44. Eddy has the _____ that he is every girl's Prince Charming.

    (A) humanity               (B) iceberg      (C) highlight    (D) illusion    


45. It _______ me that I need a new pair of high heels to go with the dress I bought


        (A) occurred       (B) narrowed (C) struck        (D) flashed    


46-50 為題組 單選題(每題2 10)


 Things were out of odor at a university library in Melbourne, Australia, on Saturday afternoon, with fears of a gas leak. But the smell that ____46____ suspicions was no leaky pipe. It was a notoriously stinky fruit.

Around 500 students and ___47____ were evacuated from the RMIT University library so that 40 firefighters, including masked crews, could _____48____ the source of the smell, according to the Herald Sun. The culprit was a durian left rotting in a cupboard, Melbourne’s Metropolitan Fire Brigade said in a release.

This sort of fruit-driven flight would surprise few who have come ____49____with the durian, a native of Southeast Asia with an odor that has been compared to turpentine(松脂 ) and onions, garnished(裝飾 ,添加 ) with a gym sock,”“hot poop garbage and gasoline.”

Although aficionados(狂熱愛好者) relish durians for their creamy, sweet interior, the fruits are so polarizing that they are banned from Singapores subway system and many hotels around Asia, according to Time.


Once authorities knew there was no danger, the building was reopened. However, Victoria state’s Environment Protection Authority still had the task of removing the ____50____ fruit from the premises, according to The Age.


46. (A) aroused         (B) rose        (C) arose   (D) appreciated


47. (A) gangsters       (B) knights      (C) staffers  (D) portraits


48. (A) complain        (B) investigate   (C) label     (D) interrupt


49. (A) in accordance    (B) in place      (C) in contact  (D) at leisure


50. (A) foul-smelling     (B) award-winning (C) war-devastated (D) poverty-stricken






Why Are You Romeo?


I. 詞彙 (30%)

     1. I s______r the secret is between you and me, and I’ll tell no one about it.

     2. A______ning her baby, the mother was blamed for not taking the responsibility to raise her own child.

     3. Jo has no e______mies. He acts properly and gets along well with everyone.

     4. Being unable to speak Japanese is a h_____p for someone who wants to work
and travel in Japan.

     5. The professor’s inspiring speech gave us a fresh i______t into our attitude toward life.

     6. Amelia is a great stage performer who has won numerous dancing awards. She is very talented i______d.

     7. The soldiers fought bravely in the war, forcing the e______y to retreat (撤退) at last.

     8. Suffering from depression, the patient was t______red by negative thoughts all the time.

     9. Having a cup of coffee on the b______y with the beautiful landscape always calms my mind.

     10. We should have the faith that together we can make a better world where love p______ls.

     11. Celine p_____y followed each episode of this TV series. She is a huge fan of it.

     12. I s_____ked into my mother’s room when she was asleep and put a surprise gift on her bedside table.

     13. It was ______ (mere) a small mistake. Don’t be upset!

     14. Natalie always stirs up trouble. The teacher often has to ______ (reconciliation) the argument between her and the other classmates.

     15. The woman gave me a ______ (hostility) look after I accidentally stepped on her foot.


II. 綜合測驗 (20%)

(I) Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and it is also one of his most frequently performed plays. It is a story about two young lovers   16   families have long feuded with each other. When Romeo saw Juliet at a party, it was love   17   first sight. However, his heart was broken when he learned that Juliet was a Capulet, to which his family felt strong   18  . How he wished that none of it   19   learned this. Deeply   20   by the fact, Romeo followed Juliet home and crept into the Capulet’s garden. When Juliet finally showed up by the window, Romeo felt nervous and excited.

     16. (A) of that                       (B) which                        (C) whom                        (D) whose

     17. (A) of                              (B) for                             (C) at                               (D) by

     18. (A) reconciliation                                                    (B) forgiveness

(C) hostility                                                             (D) interference

     19. (A) was not                     (B) had not                      (C) must be not               (D) has not

     20. (A) troubled                    (B) troubling                   (C) to trouble                  (D) in trouble

(II) Just as Romeo, Juliet felt equally upset about their family feud.   21   she spoke of her love for Romeo by the window, Romeo listened carefully with all his heart. Juliet knew that “Montague” and “Capulet” meant more than just names to their families. However, the strong love between Romeo and Juliet gave Juliet a deeper understanding of   22   names really meant. Juliet said that what really mattered was their love only and wanted Romeo to   23   his name. She believed that Romeo would still have been the same person if he   24   a Montague. What Juliet loved was the man called Romeo, and the name shouldn’t keep her   25   loving him.

     21. (A) So                             (B) For                            (C) As                              (D) Until

     22. (A) which                        (B) what                          (C) that                            (D) whose

     23. (A) break through           (B) give up                      (C) give in                       (D) build on

     24. (A) had not been            (B) wasn’t                      (C) had been not            (D) has been

     25. (A) off                             (B) against                       (C) away                         (D) from


III. 文意選填 (20%) (請忽略大小寫)

(A) rulers                 (B) where                (C) include              (D) who                   (E) essential

(F) as                       (G) history               (H) supposed           (I) divorcing            (J) complex

Shakespeare wrote three different kinds of playscomedies, histories, and tragediesand many also   26   a love story.

First of all, Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy with two pairs of lovers, Claudio and Hero, and Benedick and Beatrice. While Claudio and Hero have a fight caused by a villain, Beatrice and Benedick,   27   originally insult each other but fall in love later, help them get back together.

On the other hand, Henry VIII is the   28   of Henry the King of England (1491-1547). The play tells the story of the king’s court and the   29   politics. It also shows the king’s love story of falling in love with Anne Boleyn and   30   his wife Catherine.

As for Anthony and Cleopatra, it is a tragedy. Mark Antony, a Roman leader who is   31 
to marry Caesar’s sister, has fallen in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. As it turns out, Antony crowns himself and Cleopatra as   32   of Egypt. But later Antony thinks Cleopatra has betrayed him. So their tragic love ends   33   Antony kills himself and Cleopatra dies after being bitten by a snake.

Lastly, we could never forget the many love stories by Shakespeare   34   people fall in love despite their problems. In fact, Shakespeare, a married man, is believed to have had a number of affairs after his marriage. He wrote 26 sonnets to a married woman he called the “Dark Lady.” Shakespeare must have felt that being in love was important and an   35   part of life.

26.    27.    28.    29.    30.   

31.    32.    33.    34.    35.   


IV. 閱讀測驗 (10%)

In the past, sex discrimination was more common than it is today. It was very difficult for women writers during the 19th century to have their books published. Women were seen as less intelligent than men, and people thought that books written by women would be silly or uninteresting. By taking a male name, a female writer could make sure that her book would be judged only on its own merits and not on the sex of the author.

Examples of female writers who have taken male names in the past are Miles Franklin (whose real name was Stella Franklin) and perhaps the most famous female writer George Eliot.

George Eliot was the pseudonym of an English writer, Mary Anne Evans. She was born in 1819 and died in 1880. Two of her most popular novels are Middlemarch and Daniel Deronda, and she is especially famous for her wonderful understanding of human behavior. In the mid 19th century, women often wrote books about romance that were popular among women readers. These books were not taken very seriously by male readers. In taking the male name George Eliot, Mary Anne Evans hoped that her work would be considered more seriously. She also wanted to protect her privacy. Generally speaking, some social issues were considered too offensive to be published during this time, and, by taking a male name, Evans was protected from public disapproval.

Evan’s strategy worked. Today George Eliot is remembered as one of the most important English writers from the 19th century, and her books are read by school students all over the world. But perhaps this strategy worked too well. Many readers now who enjoy her books have no idea that “George Eliot” was actually a woman.

     36. Women in the 19th century were believed to ______ men.
(A) be equal to
(B) be similar with
(C) be better than
(D) be worse than

     37. From the article, we know that George Eliot was in fact ______.
(A) Miles Franklin
(B) Stella Franklin
(C) Mary Ann Evans
(D) Daniel Deronda

     38. The word pseudonym in the third paragraph can be best described as a ______.
(A) pen name
(B) family member
(C) close friend
(D) popular writer

     39. Which of the following is NOT the purpose that female writers in the 19th century chose to take a male name?
(A) To protect their privacy.
(B) To win more public approval.
(C) To gain readers’ acceptance of their books.
(D) To make more profits from the book sales.

     40. Which description about Mary Ann Evans is NOT true?
(A) She died at the age of 61.
(B) People were impressed by her profound interpretation of human behavior.
(C) Some of the readers in the world still don’t know her real gender.
(D) Daniel Deronda was a friend who helped her a lot in writing.


V. 寫作測驗 (20%)

41. 儘管有許多的挑戰,Carl拒絕放棄他的夢想。
Despite many challenges, Carl refused to _________ _________ _________ _________.

42. 和平對談開啟了這兩國停戰的契機。
The peace talk has _________ _________ _________ _________ ending the war between the two countries.

43. 別相信他說的話。那男孩老是說謊。(take sb at one's word)

44. 我輸了比賽,真希望我當時可以再努力一點。(wish that)

45.  Benson was nervous about the test result tomorrow.

He couldn’t fall asleep all night. (Adj…, S + V…合併)




1. swear  2. Abandoning  3. enemies  4. handicap  5. insight

6. indeed  7. enemy  8. tortured  9. balcony  10. prevails

11. passionately  12. sneaked  13. merely  14. reconcile  15. hostile



16. D  17. C  18. C  19. B  20. A


21. C  22. B  23. B  24. A  25. D


26. C  27. D  28. G  29. J  30. I 

31. H  32. A  33. F  34. B  35. E 


36. D  37. C  38. A  39. D  40. D


41. give up his dream

42. opened the way to

43. Don't take him at his word. The boy tells lies all the time.

44. I lost the game, and I wish that I had tried harder.

45. Nervous about the test result tomorrow, Benson couldn't fall asleep all night.


Why Are You Romeo?


I. 詞彙 (30%)

     1. I s______r the secret is between you and me, and I’ll tell no one about it.

     2. A______ning her baby, the mother was blamed for not taking the responsibility to raise her own child.

     3. Jo has no e______mies. He acts properly and gets along well with everyone.

     4. Being unable to speak Japanese is a h_____p for someone who wants to work
and travel in Japan.

     5. The professor’s inspiring speech gave us a fresh i______t into our attitude toward life.

     6. Amelia is a great stage performer who has won numerous dancing awards. She is very talented i______d.

     7. The soldiers fought bravely in the war, forcing the e______y to retreat (撤退) at last.

     8. Suffering from depression, the patient was t______red by negative thoughts all the time.

     9. Having a cup of coffee on the b______y with the beautiful landscape always calms my mind.

     10. We should have the faith that together we can make a better world where love p______ls.

     11. Celine p_____y followed each episode of this TV series. She is a huge fan of it.

     12. I s_____ked into my mother’s room when she was asleep and put a surprise gift on her bedside table.

     13. It was ______ (mere) a small mistake. Don’t be upset!

     14. Natalie always stirs up trouble. The teacher often has to ______ (reconciliation) the argument between her and the other classmates.

     15. The woman gave me a ______ (hostility) look after I accidentally stepped on her foot.


II. 綜合測驗 (20%)

(I) Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and it is also one of his most frequently performed plays. It is a story about two young lovers   16   families have long feuded with each other. When Romeo saw Juliet at a party, it was love   17   first sight. However, his heart was broken when he learned that Juliet was a Capulet, to which his family felt strong   18  . How he wished that none of it   19   learned this. Deeply   20   by the fact, Romeo followed Juliet home and crept into the Capulet’s garden. When Juliet finally showed up by the window, Romeo felt nervous and excited.

     16. (A) of that                       (B) which                        (C) whom                        (D) whose

     17. (A) of                              (B) for                             (C) at                               (D) by

     18. (A) reconciliation                                                    (B) forgiveness

(C) hostility                                                             (D) interference

     19. (A) was not                     (B) had not                      (C) must be not               (D) has not

     20. (A) troubled                    (B) troubling                   (C) to trouble                  (D) in trouble

(II) Just as Romeo, Juliet felt equally upset about their family feud.   21   she spoke of her love for Romeo by the window, Romeo listened carefully with all his heart. Juliet knew that “Montague” and “Capulet” meant more than just names to their families. However, the strong love between Romeo and Juliet gave Juliet a deeper understanding of   22   names really meant. Juliet said that what really mattered was their love only and wanted Romeo to   23   his name. She believed that Romeo would still have been the same person if he   24   a Montague. What Juliet loved was the man called Romeo, and the name shouldn’t keep her   25   loving him.

     21. (A) So                             (B) For                            (C) As                              (D) Until

     22. (A) which                        (B) what                          (C) that                            (D) whose

     23. (A) break through           (B) give up                      (C) give in                       (D) build on

     24. (A) had not been            (B) wasn’t                      (C) had been not            (D) has been

     25. (A) off                             (B) against                       (C) away                         (D) from


III. 文意選填 (20%) (請忽略大小寫)

(A) rulers                 (B) where                (C) include              (D) who                   (E) essential

(F) as                       (G) history               (H) supposed           (I) divorcing            (J) complex

Shakespeare wrote three different kinds of playscomedies, histories, and tragediesand many also   26   a love story.

First of all, Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy with two pairs of lovers, Claudio and Hero, and Benedick and Beatrice. While Claudio and Hero have a fight caused by a villain, Beatrice and Benedick,   27   originally insult each other but fall in love later, help them get back together.

On the other hand, Henry VIII is the   28   of Henry the King of England (1491-1547). The play tells the story of the king’s court and the   29   politics. It also shows the king’s love story of falling in love with Anne Boleyn and   30   his wife Catherine.

As for Anthony and Cleopatra, it is a tragedy. Mark Antony, a Roman leader who is   31 
to marry Caesar’s sister, has fallen in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. As it turns out, Antony crowns himself and Cleopatra as   32   of Egypt. But later Antony thinks Cleopatra has betrayed him. So their tragic love ends   33   Antony kills himself and Cleopatra dies after being bitten by a snake.

Lastly, we could never forget the many love stories by Shakespeare   34   people fall in love despite their problems. In fact, Shakespeare, a married man, is believed to have had a number of affairs after his marriage. He wrote 26 sonnets to a married woman he called the “Dark Lady.” Shakespeare must have felt that being in love was important and an   35   part of life.

26.    27.    28.    29.    30.   

31.    32.    33.    34.    35.   


IV. 閱讀測驗 (10%)

In the past, sex discrimination was more common than it is today. It was very difficult for women writers during the 19th century to have their books published. Women were seen as less intelligent than men, and people thought that books written by women would be silly or uninteresting. By taking a male name, a female writer could make sure that her book would be judged only on its own merits and not on the sex of the author.

Examples of female writers who have taken male names in the past are Miles Franklin (whose real name was Stella Franklin) and perhaps the most famous female writer George Eliot.

George Eliot was the pseudonym of an English writer, Mary Anne Evans. She was born in 1819 and died in 1880. Two of her most popular novels are Middlemarch and Daniel Deronda, and she is especially famous for her wonderful understanding of human behavior. In the mid 19th century, women often wrote books about romance that were popular among women readers. These books were not taken very seriously by male readers. In taking the male name George Eliot, Mary Anne Evans hoped that her work would be considered more seriously. She also wanted to protect her privacy. Generally speaking, some social issues were considered too offensive to be published during this time, and, by taking a male name, Evans was protected from public disapproval.

Evan’s strategy worked. Today George Eliot is remembered as one of the most important English writers from the 19th century, and her books are read by school students all over the world. But perhaps this strategy worked too well. Many readers now who enjoy her books have no idea that “George Eliot” was actually a woman.

     36. Women in the 19th century were believed to ______ men.
(A) be equal to
(B) be similar with
(C) be better than
(D) be worse than

     37. From the article, we know that George Eliot was in fact ______.
(A) Miles Franklin
(B) Stella Franklin
(C) Mary Ann Evans
(D) Daniel Deronda

     38. The word pseudonym in the third paragraph can be best described as a ______.
(A) pen name
(B) family member
(C) close friend
(D) popular writer

     39. Which of the following is NOT the purpose that female writers in the 19th century chose to take a male name?
(A) To protect their privacy.
(B) To win more public approval.
(C) To gain readers’ acceptance of their books.
(D) To make more profits from the book sales.

     40. Which description about Mary Ann Evans is NOT true?
(A) She died at the age of 61.
(B) People were impressed by her profound interpretation of human behavior.
(C) Some of the readers in the world still don’t know her real gender.
(D) Daniel Deronda was a friend who helped her a lot in writing.


V. 寫作測驗 (20%)

41. 儘管有許多的挑戰,Carl拒絕放棄他的夢想。
Despite many challenges, Carl refused to _________ _________ _________ _________.

42. 和平對談開啟了這兩國停戰的契機。
The peace talk has _________ _________ _________ _________ ending the war between the two countries.

43. 別相信他說的話。那男孩老是說謊。(take sb at one's word)

44. 我輸了比賽,真希望我當時可以再努力一點。(wish that)

45.  Benson was nervous about the test result tomorrow.

He couldn’t fall asleep all night. (Adj…, S + V…合併)




1. swear  2. Abandoning  3. enemies  4. handicap  5. insight

6. indeed  7. enemy  8. tortured  9. balcony  10. prevails

11. passionately  12. sneaked  13. merely  14. reconcile  15. hostile



16. D  17. C  18. C  19. B  20. A


21. C  22. B  23. B  24. A  25. D


26. C  27. D  28. G  29. J  30. I 

31. H  32. A  33. F  34. B  35. E 


36. D  37. C  38. A  39. D  40. D


41. give up his dream

42. opened the way to

43. Don't take him at his word. The boy tells lies all the time.

44. I lost the game, and I wish that I had tried harder.

45. Nervous about the test result tomorrow, Benson couldn't fall asleep all night.


