
社團指導-英語話劇社 / 英語話劇劇本

New Beauty and The Beast    2016/02/28


Narrator(23): Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young , handsome prince lives in a gorgeous castle. Although he had everything, he still wasn’t satisfied. The prince was spoiled, selfish and notorious. All servants in the castle and villagers couldn’t stand the prince anymore, therefore, they asked a fairy give the prince a lesson.


Prince(43): Maria , give me a cup of tea. (大聲且命令式的口吻對正在掃地的女僕說)

Maria(22): Yes, prince. (立刻端來,發抖著說)

Prince: (喝一口,燙到樣) Oh! It’s too hot! (生氣地將茶杯摔掉) How dare you are! Do you know who I am?

Maria: I ‘m so sorry, prince. I’ll give you another one immediately. (發抖著說)

Prince: Stupid guy, You are fired! I won’t see you again ! Go away right now!

(舉手比出”)  Out!


Narrator: Maria went back home and turned to the fairy with other maids.


Fairy(32): Who is it? Who knocks the door so hurry?

Maria: Dear fairy, please help us.(跪下來求仙女,邊哭邊說)

Fairy: What happened?  You look so miserable, please come and sit.


Maid1(29): The prince treated us rudely. Wealthy life makes him become a selfish, arrogant man.

Maid2(7): He roars at us almost every day only because of trifles. His behavior was beyond bearing.  

Maid3(3): Yes! ( 氣憤委屈的說,跺腳 ) He always can’t control his temper.

 Dear fairy, please teach the prince a lesson.

Fairy: Well, I got it! I’ll go to the castle tonight!



Fairy: Stop! Never bully others again. You have a good-looking appearance, however,

You don’t have a kind- heated mind. I’ll give you a punishment.(將手中魔法棒

揮動一下) I turn you into a beast. (布幕拿出來遮住Prince)

Prince: Wow…..(悽慘地吼叫) (43號與Beast 11號交換,43號躲到背景後,後台)

Fairy:  If you could learn to love another and earn one’s love in return, the spell would be broken. If not, you would be doom to remain the beast for all the time. (講完就飛走)

Beast (11): Wow…..(悽慘地吼叫)

Scene2 (農村裡)

Belle(17): Father always tells me never go to the dark forest by oneself, but now, I’ve grown up, I think I could go through the dark forest to visit my grandma today.


Little Red Riding Hood(4): Hi, Belle, how have you been these days?

Belle: Fine! Long time no see, little red riding hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: Do you come here by yourself?

Belle: Yes ! I’m alone.

Little Red Riding Hood: Be careful! There is a wolf appearing around the forest recently, and it may eat human beings.

Belle: Oh my god! I’ll be careful and speed up my steps. Thank you to warn me, little red riding hood. (快步往前走)

Wolf(13): (突然衝出來,擋在Belle面前)  HahaHaha! Who you are, little girl? 

Are you alone?  Why are you trespassing my turf ?

Belle: Sorry, I’ll leave at once.(發抖

Wolf: (奸笑) Why not stay with me?

Belle: No! (大叫並大哭,一直往後退) Help! Help!


Beast(11): (對著Belle) Hide behide me, hurry up! (之後跟大野狼扭打成一團)

Narrator(23): The Beast and the wolf fight fiercely. Suddenly, the wolf takes out a knife to hurt the beast. Though the beast got hurt, it still defeat the wolf successfully. The wolf runs away frightenedly.

Beast: Are you all right ? (虛弱地對著Belle說, 一手扶著鮮血直流的另一隻手)

Bella: I’m ok! But…..How about you? You seem to be hurt badly. Let’s go back to the place where you live and let me help you bandage. Thank you for saving my life.

Beast: Never mind.(不在意地揮揮手) (Belle扶著Beast走回城堡(走一圈)

換幕: 城堡

Narrator: Belle supported the beast with his hand and went back to the castle where the beast live.

Belle: Why there’s no one in such a big castle? Are you living alone in such a long time?

Beast: Nope! There used to be many servants, but I have driven them away.

Belle: Why do you take them away?

Beast: I was a prince. A fairy casted the spell on me, let me become a beast.

 I couldn’t face the truth and I couldn’t bear the gossip, so I turned them out of the house.

Bella:( 包紮著野獸的傷口邊說 ) So poor you are. You must be lonely. (難過地小哭泣)

Beast: I don’t think so .(大聲) Maybe……(小聲)


Narrator: Bella stayed in the castle for a few days in order to take care of the beast.    

        She promised the beast that she wouldn’t leave unless he recovered.

        The clock and the tea cups set were talking.

Bella: Look! It’s snowing outside. Let’s go out to play.

Beast: No. It’s freezing!

Bella: Please~ Please~ (向野獸撒嬌Song: Do you want to build a snowman

Beast: Okay……(無奈語氣) (兩人手牽手跳舞,堆雪人)


Clock(2): Look at our prince and the lovely girl, they are playing in the snowground.

         They look so sweet! (比甜蜜的動作)

Tea cup1(31): That’s really a peculiar scene. It is the first time I see our prince smiling when I was born.

Tea cup2(6) : Yes! Maybe the lovely girl can melt away our prince’s strong heart.

            Maybe we don’t need to stand the prince unreasonable character anymore.

Teapot(5):  You can say that again!  There may be something there that wasn’t there before.

Tea cup2: What’s there, Mom?

Teapot: (…..) A hidden design of fate cannot be revealed. I will tell you when you grow up, good girl.

Dance (茶杯組開心地跳起舞來)


Narrator: After playing outside for a while, Belle felt a little tired and suggested the Beast go back to the castle to have dinner. Bella took out the plate, made a meal. Suddenly, the plate fell down and was broken. (東西破掉聲音)

Beast: (立刻衝過去看Belle) Are you hurt?

Bella: No, I’m okay. But….. It’s a bad sign. I’m afraid there’s something happened to

my father.

Beast: Don’t think too much! It’s just a broken dish, doesn’t mean anything.

Bella: I feel uncomfortable now. I must go back to my house to see my aging father.

Beast: Are you really going to leave?

Bella: Yes, please let me go now. I promise I’ll come back to see you if everything all right. (兩人依依不捨分開)

Song: Let it go

Narrator (21): As soon as Belle arrived home, she saw her father be in good condition. After chatting with her father, Belle was going to go back to the castle. She saw Gaston who was her best friend in her childhood.


Gaston: Hey, Belle, How are you doing? I haven’t seen you these days, where have you been?

Belle:  Mmm……I’ve just stayed in the castle. I look after…..


Gaston: Okok, I see. Bella, I have something important to tell you right now.


Gaston: I’ve acquainted with you since we were children. I certainly sure that you are my Miss Right. I will take good care of you in the future, please marry me!

Song: Marry me

Belle: (驚訝狀) I appreciate your feeling, but…..I’m sorry. I can’t give you any promise. I have already found my true love.

Gaston: Who?( 沮喪生氣說) Who’s your Mr. Right?

      Wait! You mean the Beast in the castle?  How?(吼叫) How possible I am inferior to THAT Beast? How could you do this to me? (抱頭痛哭)

Belle: (想往前摸 Gaston的頭安慰他, ..後退)  I feel so sorry. You are such a kind person, I sure you will find your Mrs. Right!


Narrator: Gaston was so angry that he decided to incite villagers to kill the Beast. 

Gaston: Kill the Beast or he will kill your children.(Gaston向村民大聲說)

  It’s time to take some action now!

Villager1(16): Yes, let’s take action now, follow Gaston.

Villager3(8): If we let him wander free, he’ll destroy our village. Let’s go right now!

Villager2(46): We must go through the darkness and the shadows. It’s a dangerous action. We should united.

Villager4(30):Yes! We are not coming home till the Beast dead.

Villager5(27): Kill the Beast! Till his dead!

Villagers:( 其他人一起喊,邊喊邊往前走) Kill the Beast! Till his dead!



Gaston: Beast! Come out to face me now! I know you are here!

You are a fool to think Bella have ever loved a monster like you. Today is your dead day, say goodbye to the world. (其他村民在後一起吶喊 Kill the Beast)

Beast: (吼叫) Who are you guys? Get out of here!

Villager(8):We are courageous warriors to protect our village from your destruction.

Gaston:  And I, I am Gaston, I love Bella from the bottom of my heart. She belongs to me, not you.

  ( Villagers往前,包圍著Beast扭打)

Beast: Wow! ( 吼叫,把所有村民推倒)

此時,Gaston掏出手槍射殺Beast)  (槍聲)

Beast: Ah….(不支倒地) How dare you kill me!




Belle:( 見到Beast倒在地上,立刻衝過去) Oh, no! Beast……

Beast: Belle, It’s you! You come back.

Belle: Of course I come back. I couldn’t let them do this to you, I come back to warn you, but it’s too late. Oh! It’s all my fault.

Beast: That’s ok! I’m pleased. I came to see you, one last time. (Beast倒下)

Song: Monster

Belle: No! Please don’t leave me. I love you.(慢慢清楚地說出來) (抱著Beast痛哭)

Narrator: Suddenly, a spark of  light flashed. The Beast turned back to the original prince. The prince gave Belle a hug and kissed her deeply.

Prince 跳起來拉著Belle,開始跳 (Song: I am a good boy.)



